


Hey.. I have only a little martial arts training under my belt, But I was wondering what people knew about Silat or even any Native American Martial arts. Thing is I don't plan on going to a school, I play many instruments, work on computers, and skate. All which I have had to teach myself. I just want to know if anyone has any info on it or some pictures of any stances. I am also hope to practice for The "Bela-Diri" and The "Seni Budaya"..

Thank you very much!
Best of luck buddy but I dont think that you will have much luck learning Silat without proper instruction. Most of the moves, stances and techniques require very subtle movements that will not be picked up unless you have hands on training so that you can feel the techniques applied to you.
This applies to most martial arts so if you can I think you should find a class that will suit your schedule and then decide if Silat is what you want to learn. Its not for everybody as alot of people dont take the time to study enough to get the full understanding of the art, the rewards are there if you do however.
There are a few web sites around but most wont show you techniques only give you a description on the art itself, however any search engine will bring up a heap of sites so happy hunting.
Let us know if you find authentic Native American instruction. I would not be optimistic about it.
Its not really possible to learn a martial art from a video, because you tend to miss the subtle stuff... id recommend steve benitez's dvd.. for his studio, though you might need his company.. , which is probably the most impressive ive seen although I might be biased as im one of his students, you can see some clips on the reel combat site (or you could when i last looked at it), but it also depends on what sort of silat you want to learn..have you read donn draegers book...i think its called something like weapons and fighting arts of the indonesian archipeligo...cant remember, but you can find it on amazon..

good luck
Hey.. I have only a little martial arts training under my belt, But I was wondering what people knew about Silat or even any Native American Martial arts.
Yes. (in my particular case, Silat. I know next to nothing about Native American arts)

Thing is I don't plan on going to a school, I play many instruments, work on computers, and skate. All which I have had to teach myself. I just want to know if anyone has any info on it or some pictures of any stances.
Sure. My first recommendation (it's already been made by others) is Don Dreager's "The Weapons and Fighting Arts of Indonesia" (

A good google search would yield you quite a bit as well. There's pics, vids, and articles on my website ( as well. Though it's woth noting that there are hundreds of styles of silat (I can rattle off the name of a score or more from the top of my head), so there's nothing that's gonna be universally "Silat".

I am also hope to practice for The "Bela-Diri" and The "Seni Budaya"..
My instructor has a course titled "beladiri", but I'm not sure of the meaning of the word.
Jerry said:
My instructor has a course titled "beladiri", but I'm not sure of the meaning of the word.

"bela" = "care for; nurture"
"diri" = "self"

"bela diri" = (standard translation) "self defense"

pesilat said:
"bela" = "care for; nurture"
"diri" = "self"

"bela diri" = (standard translation) "self defense"

Thank you Mike :)

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