Shorinjin Ryu Saito Ninjitsu

I actually trained with Steve McGovern of this last indie Tai Kai I attended.
Our schools spent the weekend together in PA. Interesting guy.
I actually trained with Steve McGovern of this last indie Tai Kai I attended.
Our schools spent the weekend together in PA. Interesting guy.

Hello. What's an "indie" Tai Kai?

Id really like to know..


I believe he means independent Ninjitsu practitioners. (notice the spelling Ninjitsu) These would be groups of people without an affiliation to one of the major Kan's ie. Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinekan. (Takamatsu Lineage) Dave get's around checks out different training. (good for him
I believe he means independent Ninjitsu practitioners. (notice the spelling Ninjitsu) These would be groups of people without an affiliation to one of the major Kan's ie. Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinekan. (Takamatsu Lineage) Dave get's around checks out different training. (good for him

Wow a TaiKai where a bunch of indepentants come together and train....I can't imagine how that taikai goes being that they all do their own thing..
Nah we use the Ninjutsu spelling for the most part. Actually alot of Aiki guys are there as well

on youtube just lookup JBK Tai Kai for the last few years worth.
Each year we get a little different crowd. 2 years ago 19 different styles were there.

Actually 2 of us including me do have a background in the Kans, he genbukan and me bujinkan. However no, no longer I am afraid.
A Jinenkan fellow showed up this year to watch for a bit. Nice guy. Chad I believe his name is. Seemed very observant. He came back later on that nite but I hit the hay and didn't chat with him which sucked.

Most years, it spawns must past the normal arts. We have had some BJJ and Kempo etc come. It is more a meeting of independent martial arts schools than just Ninjutsu

Yes Brian is right I do get around alot to train with the groups to see if the claims are true or what is wrote about them is true.
All across the US and Canada, it has met me alot of interesting people.

Steve McGovern though now not with the Saito Ryu anylonger since the family heir closed it out. Was a very intense man, very clean practitioner. Highly into the kyusho and Aiki. I saw the tengu to that has been spoken of. I see it being a blend of hanbojutsu and kenjutsu, really interesting and I can see the application.
I am not a hsitory buff so I stayed off that plank and more focused on the useage.

This year was another good one, I enjoyed it alot. Vid will be on youtube soon I would guess

so if you wish, you can see the vids and ask about any of the schools. You'd be suprised that some of them are the ones getting bashed alot, that actually look pretty good.
Well having good martial arts skills doesn't have anything to do with what you are claiming to be. I could be a good hunter and know my way around the woods and firearms but that doesn't make me a soldier. I'm sure alot of these guys are great martial artists and more power to them. But you state that the Saito heir close out his system but yet they still operate in Scottsdale, AZ
Sure enough see your opinion on what to or not call it. That argument has been done to death so I won't perpetuate it. I am not one for the false lineage claims nor do I support those who do. There have been as many indie that I have not bothered with due to the grand stories of lore.

Anyway, that is interesting. OK well I do know that Steve McGovern was "let go" I guess you can say. It likely seems now that they just want to keep it in the family. Not sure, I don't delve into his politics. I met him the one seminar, seemed like a pretty interesting guy. His Aiki is very good and he is really learned with kyusho. Very confident guy.

Really the vast majority of what goes on there these days is not Ninjutsu or what you'd call that. Hasnt been billed that for years. We've had BJJ, Arnis, Aikibudo, Kempo etc etc. It's an open martial arts festival. I've been going every year for 5 years now, have a great time there too.
But thats me.