Shen Chuan

Originally posted by pesilat
Yes, he is a very decent and respectable person. And a very good martial artist :)

But why would he be regarded as arrogant or laughed at? He makes no claims that it's an Asian art. He considers it an American art and describes as such. The name is an homage to some of the arts that influenced Joe and that he has a lot of respect for.

But I'm not the best person to be addressing this :) I just train and teach what I learned from him. I just know that it's a good system and that's my primary concern.


It is like a Chinese naming his art "Abraham-Rachel-Isaac Fist". How do you think that would go in Israel? OR "Mohammed Fist" and try that in Saudi Arabia? After you have explained your desire to express total respect, people there are just going to roll their eyes. (I am quite sure you would be "Jihaded" for blasphemy of Islam.)

I am not tyring to nag on the guy. This is just like pointing out to some guy his pant fly is open. If he retorts that he likes it that way, that is just fine with me.
Originally posted by KennethKu
It is like a Chinese naming his art "Abraham-Rachel-Isaac Fist". How do you think that would go in Israel? OR "Mohammed Fist" and try that in Saudi Arabia? After you have explained your desire to express total respect, people there are just going to roll their eyes. (I am quite sure you would be "Jihaded" for blasphemy of Islam.)

I am not tyring to nag on the guy. This is just like pointing out to some guy his pant fly is open. If he retorts that he likes it that way, that is just fine with me.

LOL ... nicely put :)

But, as you said, the character can mean "god, spirit, or mental focus"

To call it "God Fist" would be pretty arrogant. "Spirit Fist" though is an entirely different meaning. So I don't think comparing "Spirit Fist" to "Mohammed Fist" is similar at all. In fact, "Mohammed" wasn't "God" ... that would be "Allah." But I still don't see how using the interpretation of "spirit" can be seen as arrogance.
