Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I once had the opportunity, many years ago, to see a person that trained a Shaolin do a demonstration. This was not a Shaolin monk, but the 7-year or is it 6-year version.
What I saw impressed me greatly; he was incredibly fast and powerful. His punches, kicks, bocks were high, low, medium, incredibly powerful and all lightning fast.
Now this was a person that was born in China and went to Shaolin school to study for a short time by comparison to the monks. I couldn't help but wonder, if this is what happens from a short time, how fast and powerful is a true Shaolin monk. I also had the thought that how could anyone that trains martial arts in the West that had to go to school, later get a job and then a family ever hope to achieve that level.
I was just wondering what other peoples thought were on this?
What I saw impressed me greatly; he was incredibly fast and powerful. His punches, kicks, bocks were high, low, medium, incredibly powerful and all lightning fast.
Now this was a person that was born in China and went to Shaolin school to study for a short time by comparison to the monks. I couldn't help but wonder, if this is what happens from a short time, how fast and powerful is a true Shaolin monk. I also had the thought that how could anyone that trains martial arts in the West that had to go to school, later get a job and then a family ever hope to achieve that level.
I was just wondering what other peoples thought were on this?