Hi there, i've been interested in martial arts since as long as i can remember. However i never have really taken anything up (apart from boxing) as around where i live all martial arts schools seem to be the "do's" (i'm sure you know what i mean - like ninjitsu-do, taekwondo etc) which i don't want to do as for me i feel they lack the philosophy and the combat behind the art.
I am currently looking into - after finnishing my degree studying Shaolin Martial arts in china. I have looked about online to see if i can find a school (where i can stay and learn at) that i know i can trust to have good teachers.
I was wandering if anybody has ever done any studying such as this and knows of a place that is good, the main reason for me asking is that i feel places such as the one on realgap and the schools in yantai (which seem pretty popular) all seem to commercialised for my liking - i've even read somewhere that one school fills up with as many as it can hold and a sifu can wind up trying to train 30-40 students at once.
And i also read alot of books around shaolin martial arts mostly by Wong Kiew Kit (my personal favourite author) and sever others like Geng Jun. So my knowledge around the arts is fairly strong - just lack the physical side of the art
I am currently looking into - after finnishing my degree studying Shaolin Martial arts in china. I have looked about online to see if i can find a school (where i can stay and learn at) that i know i can trust to have good teachers.
I was wandering if anybody has ever done any studying such as this and knows of a place that is good, the main reason for me asking is that i feel places such as the one on realgap and the schools in yantai (which seem pretty popular) all seem to commercialised for my liking - i've even read somewhere that one school fills up with as many as it can hold and a sifu can wind up trying to train 30-40 students at once.
And i also read alot of books around shaolin martial arts mostly by Wong Kiew Kit (my personal favourite author) and sever others like Geng Jun. So my knowledge around the arts is fairly strong - just lack the physical side of the art