School Expenses - Advertising


May 17, 2004
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The Canuckistan Plains
Hi there!

This is the first part of an ongoing study that I am undertaking.

I would like some input as to how much school owners generally spend on advertising and promotion. As well, I am looking for details regarding what type of advertising you are doing. Are you using flyers, newspaper ads, radio, TV, web, etc... What do you find has been working for you? What have you determined to be a waste of your time and money? Please be as detailed as your comfort level will allow.

Further, how has your use of advertising changed since you first opened your school?

Thank you for your participation!
Flatlander I spend appoxitmnetly 25% of budget on advertising in my opinion it is wroth every penny. For the most part it is newspaper of some kind and fliers, along witha general mailer in those packages.
My school has primarily used word of mouth, but some internet sites to, just depends on the the audience your looking for.
None. I pick up students just by word of mouth. I'd rather spend the money buying t-shirts for my students and let them do the advertising for me. :)

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