rick trumbley

grandmaster of ninjutsu! didn't know anyone specific invented the style.:idunno:

i guess we all need to go learn under him.
Technopunk said:
No No No. It said NinjItsu.
i have done some research on the subject... from what i have read is there is not actual way to write the word in english (now if i'm wrong correct me). the closest would be "ninjutsu". but some americans insist on calling it "ninjitsu". is it wrong? maybe... does it matter?... not really. i think what most people need to realize is that it is spelled the way you pronouce it. for instance baseball in spanish is written baesbol... does it make it a different sport? not really. same rules and regulations. just spelled differently.
so if he claims ninjutsu or ninjitsu to me it still says he is trying to represent something that he apparently is not!
i say ninjutsu because i have learned to accept the common translation, but personally feel that the spelling should not be more important than the art we study. it seems like we take it too far sometimes. because to the outside world a letter doesn't make a difference. if we are trying to represent ninjutsu as a true art... then we need to realize that outsiders (those that aren't ninjutsu) practicioners won't care how you spell it. they will group it all together anyway. i might be wrong on this but this is how i see it right now.
Enson said:
i have done some research on the subject... from what i have read is there is not actual way to write the word in english (now if i'm wrong correct me). the closest would be "ninjutsu". but some americans insist on calling it "ninjitsu". is it wrong? maybe... does it matter?... not really. i think what most people need to realize is that it is spelled the way you pronouce it. for instance baseball in spanish is written baesbol... does it make it a different sport? not really. same rules and regulations. just spelled differently.
so if he claims ninjutsu or ninjitsu to me it still says he is trying to represent something that he apparently is not!
i say ninjutsu because i have learned to accept the common translation, but personally feel that the spelling should not be more important than the art we study. it seems like we take it too far sometimes. because to the outside world a letter doesn't make a difference. if we are trying to represent ninjutsu as a true art... then we need to realize that outsiders (those that aren't ninjutsu) practicioners won't care how you spell it. they will group it all together anyway. i might be wrong on this but this is how i see it right now.



Dood, I was making a joke... based on all the previous arguments about how Ninjitsu arts were not Ninjutsu arts.

Just laugh.
Technopunk said:


Dood, I was making a joke... based on all the previous arguments about how Ninjitsu arts were not Ninjutsu arts.

Just laugh.
my bad dogg! ;) i might have got a little carried away! lol! :lol:

I'm far from an expert in all things Japanese....

but, the English transliterations jutsu and jitsu actually refer to two different kanji in the native language. They are by no means interchangeable.

Depends on if you wanna say "art" or "fruit", really.
heretic888 said:
Depends on if you wanna say "art" or "fruit", really.
if this is true i then stand corrected. but like i said it still doesn't matter to those that don't know the difference.
Well... Fruit you say...

Its no wonder Ashida Kim calls his art NinJITSU.

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