Return from Anchorage, Alaska


White Belt
Aug 14, 2007
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Whitefield, ME
Hi all:

The site is asking for an update to my first post.


I spent the last month helping my father rehabilitate at Providence Hospital in Anchorage after a horrific car crash with a Moose outside of Fairbanks. I had expected to be a couple weeks, as his broken neck and dislocated shoulder seemed to be well on their way to recovery. When I arrived, I found a much more critical situation.

The plan was to bring him to Massachusetts when he was able to withstand the 10 hr journey.

I spent a lot of time in all the rehab sessions, a lot of time helping him get his damaged mind and body healed, and a lot of time devoted to Densho, and deep reading of classical buddhist literature, particularly Chogyam Trungpa.

You want to study Martial arts? Here's how you start..."When Boddhidharma came out of the west..."

If I knew I would be a month, I would have sought out a dojo to keep up with my Kempo.

In truth, my physical Kempo is a bit rusty, but the inner Kempo has gotten a real workout. My ability to persevere with my father, through my despair at times of perhaps having a crippled old head case on my hands, to givng up my hopes of spending meaningful time with him in the future, to dealing with his mental deficits and his inability to relate clearly with his situation.....all this I attribute to the spirit and truth of Kempo.

I was challenged in my compassion, and in my motivations. And let me tell you that reversing the the child is taking care of the helpless a most powerful agent to really see who and how I am in the world.

I had a lovely place to stay and a truck to drive, thanks to the good will that my father had generated through his generous treatment of people.

So, I'll get back to the the Dojo in Augusta Maine soon, and tone up, and I hope that the experiences that really did shake my world, will be part of who I am becoming.

I did work with him enough in therapy to get handy with his medical needs, transferring, and the flight back to Boston was very successful. He is walking with a cane now, and getting his head together. His burning desire is to return to work. I have no doubt he will.

He's a tree man, climber, equipment operator.

Take note..if you work hard all your life, keep fit, eat well, avoid poisons, and treat others with compassion, you might also survive a near fatal accident when you're 78 years old!

Wow, sorry to hear that all that has happened. It is great to see that he seems to be recovering well and still has that drive for life and not giving up and letting others do everything for him. Hopefully you can get back into training soon. Best Wishes and Best of Luck!

Sounds like the best possible outcome to a bad situation - thanks for the update, and I hope things continue to improve.
Welcome back - hope to read more of you soon.
Wow, what a way to have to take a break from training. Hope everything continues to get better with your Father. Welcome back to Martial Talk and Mane. I'm up in Washburn (By Presque Isle and Caribou). Hope to read more from you here.

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