portland people!!!!

Bring it across the river and I'll attend. :p
How about June 16th? Two of you have a window then. Nobody else has said it's impossible. It's far enough away that we can plan around it.
How about June 16th? Two of you have a window then. Nobody else has said it's impossible. It's far enough away that we can plan around it.
I'm completely booked in June.
OK. Let's say the 16th at the Kennedy School. I'll volunteer to fill Shesulsa so full of their beer and brandy that she'll forget she doesn't have time :)
OK. Let's say the 16th at the Kennedy School. I'll volunteer to fill Shesulsa so full of their beer and brandy that she'll forget she doesn't have time :)

June 16th at the Kennedy School works for me. When in the day and where in the school (it's a big place, especially if you're tipsy) should we meet?
The Sun doesn't dip over the yardarm until late this time of year, but we'll manage. I'm thinking either 4:30 to avoid the rush or 7 to avoid the later night crowd. Where? How about the Detention Bar. If there's a fair number of us, especially if we take the earlier time, we can move to the Cypress Room, the pation or the larger bar down the hall from the Cypress Room.
The later in the day the better, for me at least. 7:00 PM in the Detention Bar it is! That is, if it works for everyone.
MMM ... that's a little tight on my schedule, but I'll see if I can make it work.
Just a reminder for all you MTers from the Portland/Vancouver area and parts further afield...

Tomorrow (Saturday) at 7PM in the Detention Bar, Kennedy School McMennamins. All the cool kids will be there :)

I will be wearing a t-shirt with a large frog or toad

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