Please send condolences to Nancy Reagan

Though I'm a Democrat, I'll say one thing for Republican Presidents,(especially Reagan) , they didn't take ANY crap from a foreign nation! And that's the way it should be. We're second to no one! :asian:
After everything he's been through, at last he's at peace.

RIP Gipper!
I'm a democrat and probably wouldn't have voted for him, but I signed anyway. Everyone could tell how much he and Nancy loved each other. I feel so sorry for her.
Just to let you know,President Reagan was a democrat at one time.
Friends and foes alike are turning out to honor the former leader. Once known as "The Great Communicator", President Reagan's fight with alzheimers took his gift away from him. His life was filled with his service to others, from his time as president of the screen actors guild, to the governership of California to his 2 terms as President of the United States he was a true leader.

In memory of President Reagan, MartialTalk has replaced our logo for this week with a brief memorial. It will run until Saturday June 12th, 2004.

God Speed Sir. We will all miss your wit and compassion. Our prayers are with your family, may they find peace knowing you are now in a better place, and your battle is won.


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