paul vunak



I was wondering how everyone felt about Paul Vunak and his contribution to the arts. His avenue is not as much the "art", but more 'fighting'.
I know he has some demons from his past, and as i understand, still fighting, but other then that, How does everyone feel about his tapes, training ideas and abilities?
I think his tapes are very good and he covers alot of info on them, including how to tape up your hands for bag work. I think thats something most don't even think about.

Respectfully Dan Brady.
He has put some decent material out. It is fairly easy to find copies of his old panther vids cheap (also featuring a young Marc Denny...). He has a fairly new (last 2 years?) book where he candidly discusses being on the wrong side of a serious ***-whooping. Having the stones to put that in his book did a lot to raise his stock in my eyes.
His explanation & progression interest me the most.

I really pick-up on things when taught in a progressive manner,
Counter for counter, Tapi-Tapi, etc...

His streetfighting sereis of videos are very informative.

Thanks for the feedback.
I was a fan of his videos, as it took a beginner like me right to the edge of some new techniques, and made it seem very easy. I was impressed with his simplistic approach. So much so, I went and trained with him. He is a extremely knowledgeable and entertaining. He seems very respectful, as he gives all the credits to Dan Inosanto and Bruce Lee. I always thought it interesting that Dan Inosanto never returned the respect, publicly. He endorses other students, but never Paul.

thanks again for the feed back.
Paul Vunak rocks!!!
I've got 2 of his tapes, street safe & RAT. His ability to make moves/ concepts easy to understand is unique. Furthermore from his videos it seems he has one wicked sense of humour

I lent my copy of RAT to my kenpo instructor and he loved it....BTW that was probably a year ago, shows you how much he loved it :D We even had a few training sessions where we tried out some destructions, entering and headbutt, knees and elbows.

Definately one of the coolest instructors to watch out for.
He is Realy good & full of knowledge.
I've had the plessure of seeing his Tapes.
The information on them is Awsome & well developed.
thanks for all the replies. I have heard some negative things about him, personally, but i enjoyed training with him, and his tapes. He does bring things to an easy to understand level. And a real bar fight kind of guy!