Osama is alive.


Senior Master
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Bloomington, Indiana
I honestly thought he was dead...and now this new video. Damn.

I'd be interested in hearing the opinions of the members here as to whether this will help or hurt Bush in his campaign. I could see going either way...much of it may depend on how Kerry and Bush play the news.


Either way, how it will effect the election will depend on how Kerry responds. Obviously, Osama's picture is always good for Bush, but I think that if Kerry responds strongly to this new evidence, it could actually help him. He would need to invoke the "See! GWB has been ineffective in the war on terror, has misallocated resources and wrongly prioritized" technique.
I thought Osama was canpaining for Kerry? just kidding. it seems that people dont have as much faith in Kerry when it comes the the safety of the US. They have strong faith other areas of the campain but not safety. I think this might make the undecided vote for Bush if only to feel more safe at home.
Or people might not like the fact that in three years Bush hasn't gotten close to getting the guy...and is on record saying he doesn't really even think about him anymore.


...I seriously don't understand how we couldn't find this guy...an Arab over six foot with a towel around his head and a beard to his knees dragging around a dialysis machine...we should've at least been able to see the ruts in the sand...we should've dropped in a cargo of New York City sewer rats...that would've driven his **** outta those caves...
I, too, find it curious we couldn't find him. Perhaps he's a CIA operative ... ?
What do you mean not find him? It is tough work to find someone like Osama. This isn't your ordinary criminal master mind (like Ted Bundy) or oppressive dictator (like Saddam Hussein) this is the leader of the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world. I don't think we would of found him even if Gore was president. We would actually more be better off right now I think than if Goe was president. Bush has done a great job reducing Al Queada numbers. Many people say that Bush was not alert enough during 9/11. Well he made up for it in the way he stomps the mudholes out of terrorists.

However yes, I did see actually two videos. One was of Osama Binladden and the other was of a man who speaks pretty good English that stated that "Blood will run all over he streets of America" which is scary. Binladden said that he will plan to do another terrorist attack during the election. Do you think he is for real or do you think he is bluffing?
Flatlander said:
That would correctly be referred to as a Turban.
Sure Dan...next thing you'll tell us is that those dresses the Scots wear are called "Kilts". ;)

Seriously, I think this is bad for GWB. He's on record as Steve said of claiming not to even care anymore about OBL. Silent all this time, now, "Boom".

I think we just got our October Surprise.
I think if Osama could vote he would vote for Kerry. I believe he has been quite for a reason. That reason is the more he showed up the better chance we had at finding him. As for the comment that bush said he not concernd with him. that I believe is taken out of context. I took it as he knew he had the best (USA troops) working on it and he had to start working on america. Something I think he has not had a chance to do after 9/11.
The Pashtun region of Pakistan & Afghanistan is pretty difficult terrain. It is dominated by clans that go back hundres, if not thousands of years. President Musharaff holds very little authority in that part of his country.

If the United States put its efforts into finding Osama Bin Laden, we would have been able to find him. Either in the border region of Pakistan/Afghanistan, or perhaps in Jakarta, Indonesia (I personally think he can move quite easily between these two locations). However, the United States took its best operatives out of Afghanistan to prepare for the invasion of Iraq. And now, Fallujah is a bit higher on the radar screen.

One report said that Mr. Bin Laden looks healthy and strong in the video, his voice was clear and true. This brings to question (which has already been questioned by some) the diabetes idea, and whether he has the disease or not.

I see the appearance of bin Laden as neutral in the American election. Although, I follow the news a bit more closely than most. It could be that some recall the President saying we would get bin Laden 'Dead or Alive'. If so, that can not be good for Bush.

I think what was said on the tape is far more important. 'President Bush can't protect the American people. Kerry can't protect the American people. Only a change in our foreign policy can protect us from bin Laden.' Also, Osama bin Laden's apparent surprise that the President sat reading a book while the attacks began; that the United States Military did not respond faster. It seems Mr. bin Laden has been able to keep abreast of all the happenings in our country over the last three years.

Does that mean CNN and FOX NEWS are assisting a terrorist organization?
Don't you think by saying a change in the overseas policy's is not a way of tring to support kerry and get bush out? that has been a big campain idea for Kerry and I not for sure Osama would feel better if bush lost his power.
Personally, and not to offend anyone - I really don't think it matters much to OBL who is in office in America. I think his issue is with our way of life.
As for the comment that bush said he not concernd with him. that I believe is taken out of context.
Would you please explain the appropriate context of this excerpt?
‘I truly am not that concerned about him’, said President George W Bush on 13 March 2002, after being asked the million-dollar question ‘where is bin Laden?’ once too often 5. ‘Deep in my heart I know the man is on the run, if he’s alive at all’, said Bush, brushing bin Laden off as ‘a person who has now been marginalized’ 6.
Originally published in The New American Century, April 8th 2002.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Sure Dan...next thing you'll tell us is that those dresses the Scots wear are called "Kilts". ;)

Seriously, I think this is bad for GWB. He's on record as Steve said of claiming not to even care anymore about OBL. Silent all this time, now, "Boom".

I think we just got our October Surprise.
Yes I think you are right.. I believe someone mentioned that...

So much talk about the election already being rigged. I think that will be
bad for the country, we will implode.

Regards, Gary
sifu Adams said:
Don't you think by saying a change in the overseas policy's is not a way of tring to support kerry and get bush out? that has been a big campain idea for Kerry and I not for sure Osama would feel better if bush lost his power.
I think this statement is completely and utterly foolish.

United States Foreign Policy does not change when the President changes. The country has entered into binding agreements which go a long way in defining how the United States will behave in the world. The United States obligations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will not change under a President Kerry, or even a President Nader. Our commitments to the United Nations will not change. In fact there are probably several thousand treaties and aggreements that the United States State Department currently enforces.

While the President may set the 'tone' toward foreign policy; such as withdrawing from the 10 years of international work on global climate change culminating in the Kyoto Accords, or withdrawing from the 1972 Antiballistic Missle Treaty, or walking out on the 1972 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention because of 'on-site inspections', or opposing (alone in the world) the UN Aggreement to curb the international flow of illicit small arms, most agreements are crafted by career civil servants over the course of several administrations. The actual policies reach across many administration.

Submitted for your review.

Current Treaties in the United States

Agreements that the United States has walked away from after commitments.
And we all know that the United States honors it's treaties.
Well, sometimes our Congress acts a little slow, but usually, if a treaty gets ratified, it gets honored, usually.