Green Belt
Hey ya'll.
Actually the title should read Melphous TN. It's January you know. Elvis's birth month. Thank ya, Thank ya, very much.
My name is Kevin. Just joined the forum and have been doing a little lurking around to get the feel of things. I like what I see so far. On to the nitty gritty.
I have been practicing Japanese Weapons Arts and European Medieval Foot Combat for over thirty three years. Yes, I will go ahead and say it, 99% of my training and practice is in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism for the uninitiated). Ok, all together now, roll you eyes, breathe a heavy sigh, and say "Oh no, he's one of those." It may sound more than a bit defensive, but I have been there before. Both on-line and in person, and it's ok, really. I welcome honest questions and discussion.
I am especially serious about my training and practice of kenjutsu. I have also spent about the same amount of time training in naginatajutsu, yarijutsu, and several European forms. Mostly, four of the five basic systems:Sword and shield (several types), Hand and a half (Bastard) Sword, Great Sword, and Pole Arms. All of which I teach to those who wish to learn. I don't do two weapon (what we, for some unknown reason, call Florintine). I never really got the hang of it, so I concentrated on other things. I have also been shooting traditional European archery (both target and combat) for at least fifteen years, and hope to start kyudo in the near future.
Is it legit as a marshal art. You bet!
Ok, I think that is enough for now.
Ready on the right? Ready on the left? Ready on the firing line?
Your turn.
Actually the title should read Melphous TN. It's January you know. Elvis's birth month. Thank ya, Thank ya, very much.
My name is Kevin. Just joined the forum and have been doing a little lurking around to get the feel of things. I like what I see so far. On to the nitty gritty.
I have been practicing Japanese Weapons Arts and European Medieval Foot Combat for over thirty three years. Yes, I will go ahead and say it, 99% of my training and practice is in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism for the uninitiated). Ok, all together now, roll you eyes, breathe a heavy sigh, and say "Oh no, he's one of those." It may sound more than a bit defensive, but I have been there before. Both on-line and in person, and it's ok, really. I welcome honest questions and discussion.
I am especially serious about my training and practice of kenjutsu. I have also spent about the same amount of time training in naginatajutsu, yarijutsu, and several European forms. Mostly, four of the five basic systems:Sword and shield (several types), Hand and a half (Bastard) Sword, Great Sword, and Pole Arms. All of which I teach to those who wish to learn. I don't do two weapon (what we, for some unknown reason, call Florintine). I never really got the hang of it, so I concentrated on other things. I have also been shooting traditional European archery (both target and combat) for at least fifteen years, and hope to start kyudo in the near future.
Is it legit as a marshal art. You bet!
Ok, I think that is enough for now.
Ready on the right? Ready on the left? Ready on the firing line?
Your turn.