My Blog - Thailand , Brazil , America


White Belt
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score

Check it out guys...I'm going to be travelling around training different MA's in attempts to become a complete MMA fighter. You'll definitely see training videos and I'll be happy to fulfill any requests anyone may have.
You mean like in Human Weapon?

(You probably don't need to go to Brazil to get the best BJJ anymore, when the BJJ blackbelts get good the first thing they do is come here to So. Cal. and open up a school).
You mean like in Human Weapon?

(You probably don't need to go to Brazil to get the best BJJ anymore, when the BJJ blackbelts get good the first thing they do is come here to So. Cal. and open up a school).

There is a lot of truth to that! :rofl:
You mean like in Human Weapon?

(You probably don't need to go to Brazil to get the best BJJ anymore, when the BJJ blackbelts get good the first thing they do is come here to So. Cal. and open up a school).

Yeah but there's a life experience to be gained in travelling!