MMA room


White Belt
Hello all,

I am looking to create a basic training room and was wondering:

A. What're some gear essentials to have in the room? I will be using basic striking techniques and some grappling. Head gear? Tombstone pad?

B. What about for an inexpensive means of a training mat; I want to spend as little as possible on this and was thinking of rigging something up. Maybe something along the lines of High density foam or a couple used mattresses on the bottom with a rug or two layered on of that for support and then a tarp tightly fastened across the top? Any and all input on this one is greatly appreciated.

C. I plan on just learning the basics of any and all MMA's, so could someone recommend some instructional videos to check out? I have the entire 'Free Fight Technique' series by Bas Rutten as well as some Aikido, Jiu Jitsu and Wing Chun videos. So, any recommendations would be appreciated!

Any comments or input about anything would be awesome.

Thanks for your time.