Mike Pick UKF Compendium Seminar Info;Everyone is welcome



Hello Everyone,

Its a pleasure to announce that the Universal Kenpo Federation Northeast Regional Training Center,located in Wilton NH,will be hosting this years Compendium Seminar for the first time on the East coast.This event will take place the weekend of October 18th,19, and 20th 2002.

There will be three adult sessions with the first commencing Friday evening from 7p.m.-9p.m.The second will be saturday from 11a.m.-2p.m. and the third from 3p.m.-5p.m. Lunch will be provided between 2p.m. and 3p.m. Also scheduled for Saturday morning from 10a.m.-11a.m.,there will be a special children's Seminar where Grandmaster Michael R. Pick will be talking about his Kenpo training as a youth with Senior Grandmaster Ed Parker,He will also be talking about the responsibility and ethics that are a part of studing martial arts.The focus of the Seminar for the adults will be the standization of beginner material. All Seminars will take place at the Greenfield Town Meeting House in the center of Greenfield NH.

Prices are as follows:

$145 Seminar
This includes lunch and dinner for Saturday.
(Additional guests and and compliments are extra)

$10 Children

We have booked a number of rooms at the Comfort Inn in Nashua NH for the dates of October17th(for those who come on thursday)through October 20th.Check in is at 3p.m. and check out is at Noon.There is a restaurant on the property.You must reserve your rooms by September 13th,2002 to get a special rate,the room can not be cancelled after the Sept. cutt off date.
The following special rates include deluxe continental breakfast.
Below are the room rates:
Single/Double $79.95
Triple/Quad $89.95
Please call to book rooms by Sept13th,when booking,refer to booking group name of Universal Kenpo Federation, group number 1534

Comfort Inn
10 Saint Laurent Street
Nashua NH 03060
Hotel contact info/ Shirley Rowlette

If I can help at all, with anything please email me.
See you all there!!

Universal Kenpo Federation Northeast Regional Training Center
Wilton NH. 03033
(603)654 3888


"Mr. Pick,

Just wanted to thank you again for a great weekend.
Tom and I were proud to be your DEMO Dummies for the Childrens Seminar on double attack! TO FEEL IS TO BELIEVE! A real life experience. I know Tom feels the same way I do! SORE!! lol It was great to meet UKF Members and other Kenpoist from all over the country. Mr. Pick,you gave us all a new meaning and understanding to Mace of Aggression!!! I'ld love to know what everyone else thought of it? As for me, I thought it was awsome!!!
Marcus and Mark,I was glad to finally meet the both of you. Thank you for your time working with me!It was a previledge working with you both.And Chester it was great to see you again, I knew you would come share some time with me. Thanks Man!
Thank You Mr. Pick,I'm proud to be apart of this Organization and this fine group of people!!!
I cant wait for the next Seminar, Cya soon.
Peace and Great Kenpo to ya!

Michael D. Care