Golden Gate Systema is hosting a Systema seminar on
Saturday May 8th, 2004 by certified instructor Kwan
Lee, personal student of Vladimir Vasiliev and Mikhail
Vladimir highly recommends Kwan as an outstanding
Systema instructor!
The seminar will cover the basics of Systema, the four
cornerstones of the system, and defense against
knife and multiple attackers!
Seminar will take place in the city of San
Francisco. No previous experience is needed to attend.
Time: 10am - 3pm
San Francisco
Discount price if registered before April 15th!
to Register for the Seminar visit:
http://www.systemacombat.com/Seminar Info.html
Number of students is Limited - Register now to
secure your place at this great training opportunity!
Hope to see you there! And please forward this to
friends who may find it of interest!
Golden Gate Systema is hosting a Systema seminar on
Saturday May 8th, 2004 by certified instructor Kwan
Lee, personal student of Vladimir Vasiliev and Mikhail
Vladimir highly recommends Kwan as an outstanding
Systema instructor!
The seminar will cover the basics of Systema, the four
cornerstones of the system, and defense against
knife and multiple attackers!
Seminar will take place in the city of San
Francisco. No previous experience is needed to attend.
Time: 10am - 3pm
San Francisco
Discount price if registered before April 15th!
to Register for the Seminar visit:
http://www.systemacombat.com/Seminar Info.html
Number of students is Limited - Register now to
secure your place at this great training opportunity!
Hope to see you there! And please forward this to
friends who may find it of interest!