Mark Kerr on HBO Special


Kenpo Wolf

Hello people. If anyone has HBO, there was a special on Mark Kerr, a NHB fighter, tonight and t will be repeated tomorrow night at 11:00 pm pacific time. I thought it was a pretty good show even though I don't follow the events
You proble mean Mark Werr i follow his work.

Very powerful striker with amazing KNOCK out power.
His record right now is

his last fight was so close but he was summited by choke had me on the edge of my seat.

Thanks for the info i will be sure to tune in.
No, it was Mark Kerr. Pretty much make a NHB fighter's life seem like a pain in the ***. Both he and his pal, Mark "The Hammer" Coleman were constantly saying that they had to fight just to make ends meet etc. Galmor!

Kinda interesting since I ended up liking Coleman and not really caring about Kerr throughout the show.
Originally posted by Marginal
No, it was Mark Kerr. Pretty much make a NHB fighter's life seem like a pain in the ***. Both he and his pal, Mark "The Hammer" Coleman were constantly saying that they had to fight just to make ends meet etc. Galmor!

Kinda interesting since I ended up liking Coleman and not really caring about Kerr throughout the show.

I saw part of the ending. I thought it was Kerr also because I remembered seeing the name on the listing. I don't follow that stuff either but those 2 guys were Big.

Here is the listing from my cable company's website
"The Smashing Machine: The Life and Times of Mark Kerr "
Tonight's listing (must be CST) is:
DATE / TIME: January 13: 10:00PM
Here is a link for other times, pacific, that it will be on. Your local times will vary
And it was an Awsome Show
it was Real & not Made up Some facts
Were Wrong Kerr has fought since that last taping.

Both Kerr & Colmen Are True Legends to the Sport
I was wrong , It was mark kerr i saw him fight in pride but forgot about it.

There is a fighter called mark werr.
Originally posted by ace
Both Kerr & Colmen Are True Legends to the Sport

Kerr is an addict. Not the stuff legends are made of. I think his undoing was his choice of mate. Sad he was improving his fight game just lost focus.

Coleman has won some big tournements- and lost some as well. A focused sport fighter has had problems with the stand up game. Not as complete as the sport now requires. And it is very competitive as players from many countries enter the various full contact tournements.
Originally posted by Marginal
No, it was Mark Kerr. Pretty much make a NHB fighter's life seem like a pain in the ***. Both he and his pal, Mark "The Hammer" Coleman were constantly saying that they had to fight just to make ends meet etc. Galmor!

Kinda interesting since I ended up liking Coleman and not really caring about Kerr throughout the show.

needless to say it was not about NHB but again a look at subcultures that spawn out of the demand for mass entertainment- smashing machines? great title-- smashing others, smashing themselves for a few baubles-- these aren't hero's but guy's chasing after gold rings, and the roar of a crowd that will not remember their names a few more years from now.

Mark Coleman was looking for away out of a pathetic day job- but he's not a whiner like Kerr and realizes that has to take care of two kids and a wife-- his focus was on a paycheck and the fear that he would soon be too old to handle the younger fighters who also have mouths to feed.

it's easy to see how Coleman could gain sympathy over a drama queen like Kerr-- addiction, sore losing, ready to cry on cue for the camera-- his vanity prevented any empathy from the show's audience (and Kerr's wife looks like she gets her fashion cues from the Soprano's).

over all another excellent hbo show and good insight into the realities of day to day living that the guys who subject themselves to this career go through.

I saw the show last Sunday night. I actually liked the show. Too bad Mark Kerr actually married that woman. She seemed to be a real 'drama queen'. She was actually going to shoot him, remember?

I got love and respect fro both Marks (Kerr and Coleman) because it takes a lot of heart to step into the NHB ring. The boxing ring in tough enough. Those knees to the head must REALLY hurt - ouch!

I hope tha Coleman is socking away and investing some of his money because NHB is a helluva way to earn a living when you're getting older and you have several mouths to feed.

Kerr & Colmeman Like i Said Both Are Legends
And Yes Both Will be Rememberd