Macabre Assignment


MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
79 Wistful Vista
My wife is in college as a mental health major and came home with the following assignment from her abnormal psych's nowhere near as easy as it may initially appear. Thought I'd post it here just to get your brains going.:D

Write your own eulogy. Include those things which you hope to have accomplised in your lifetime, those things you most want to be remembered for and how you most want to have affected the lives of those around you.
Originally posted by theletch1

Write your own eulogy. Include those things which you hope to have accomplised in your lifetime, those things you most want to be remembered for and how you most want to have affected the lives of those around you.

The bigger EGO the longer eulogy.....;)

But yes, it's diffecult to write. But I'm letting my eulogy be up to those that are left behind. It's them that are going to read it, and remember me and I want them to remember me for the moments that they feel greatest, and not what I thought it was.

Ego? Who's gotta big ego? Not me! I guess I should cancel the appointment with the movie director for the glossy video eulogy I was gonna do:vu:
I simply want to be remembered as the man who trained his daughter to grasp control of the North American continent in a bloody takeover on her 18th birthday.

Is that so wrong?


We are gathered here to remember Seig. He had a penchant for acquiring things and approached it with an umatched zeal. Those of you that knew him well, knew that he always said that if he could not take it with him, that he wasn't going......

Ladies and Gentlemen, the body seems to be missing.
Originally posted by Seig
We are gathered here to remember Seig. He had a penchant for acquiring things and approached it with an umatched zeal. Those of you that knew him well, knew that he always said that if he could not take it with him, that he wasn't going......

Ladies and Gentlemen, the body seems to be missing.

Translation: I plan to live forever!