'Karate Kid' remake thankfully doesn't bring MMA into its plot

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
Sep 11, 2006
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12-23-2009 03:08 PM:When I heard there was going to be a "Karate Kid" remake, I first wept, as nothing can ever improve on, "PUT HIM IN A BODYBAG!" But then I was concerned that the tournament, central to the plot of "Karate Kid," would get turned into some MMA competition. Movie executives love to jump on the latest trends, and few things are hotter than MMA right now.

Thankfully, the trailer doesn't show any indications that they are shelving traditional karate in favor of MMA.

Don't get me wrong; I don't think the movie looks horrible and I'd rather shove hot pokers into my eyes than watch a bastardization of "Karate Kid." But I am relieved that said bastardization won't take MMA down with it.

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