Judo Vs BJJ



On the 50th anniversery of the epic battle between Helio Gracie and Kimura, Royce gracie fought Olympic Gold medal Judo player Yoshida. And lost.

Yes as with the first fight BJJ lost to Judo. Yoshida choked out Royce in their match at Pride. Royce says he didn't tap (and judging from when he lost to Wallid Ishmal I might believe him) but he was submitted. The match was fought under modified rles which did not allow striking to the face or any striking on the ground.

Man royce is have some problems theses days,

It sounds like the BJJ group is seriously contesting calling this a victory due to the tap issue but it also seems clear that the jodoka dominated this particualr fight.
if you taped it i will buy, Please say you did,
Originally posted by tmanifold

On the 50th anniversery of the epic battle between Helio Gracie and Kimura, Royce gracie fought Olympic Gold medal Judo player Yoshida. And lost.

Yes as with the first fight BJJ lost to Judo. Yoshida choked out Royce in their match at Pride. Royce says he didn't tap (and judging from when he lost to Wallid Ishmal I might believe him) but he was submitted. The match was fought under modified rles which did not allow striking to the face or any striking on the ground.

Man royce is have some problems theses days,


It appears the ref thought Royce had passed out from the "clock" choke.

Yoshida did well but really couldn't keep Royce from pulling guard. He did defend a leg submission attempt well though.
I finally watched the fight. I agree that that Royce didn't tap. Yoshida went for the sleeve choke but Royce had space. I think yoshida performed well against Gracie's attempts to pull to guard. Royce was never in an advantageous postion.
It is a shame that it had to go that way, though. Yoshida is a champion and he doesn't need to win that way. As I understand it Yoshida has already agreed to a rematch with Royce. From what I understand it was offered almost immediately.

A Rematch would be good for the fans.
This time it should be good old fashon Vale Tudo.

This would give a better show to the fans of MMA.

Royce was never in danger from the that choke. I think he was in a little more trouble with the leg lock war then he was in that choke. And he was doing good until they stopped the fight.
It really doesn't prove anything. It just proved who was the better fighter. Styles don't batter each other.
Originally posted by tmanifold

Yes as with the first fight BJJ lost to Judo.


I don't want to get into a pissing contest but Helio was Rendered unconscious by Kimura (didn't tap, came to and continued to fight), was put in a headlock so stong he was bleeding from his ear and when Kimura got him in an armber his corner threw in the towel. Now whether or not he said he could go longer than a certain time matters little. If he were fighting under todays rules if you're out you've lost. Mysteriously there is only about 2 minutes of this footage (out of a 13 minute fight) available thus making Helio look better than he was on the day. I'm not taking anything away from the Gracies they are great grapplers just that some of their facts have been flexed a little.

I watched the fight and I agree that he did not tap. However, one fight doesn't determine the effectivenss of BBJ or judo. Who wins those fights really isn't a big deal to me, I just like watching.
Okay not ot make excuses for Helio but he was ALOT lighter then the judo guy. Also he was never even the best in the faimly. He orginaly never even had lessons just learned from wathing for a long time. I can't really say to much about that match though since not to many people have seen the whole thing, although Helio showed alot of heart and skill in that match.

Royce Yoshida was a mismatch from the beginning. Yoshida was the best in his weight in the world agianst the best compition in the world. Royce is good but he is not on that level. Royce has never won the mundails, never won in ADCC never won in any major Bjj tournaments, sure he is good just not world class. Many think Rolyer and Renzo are both better sport guys and neither one of them have won the mundials either at least Royler held his own. Not only that it was a terrable call. And who was winning the fight depends on your view of the fight. If you are a judo guy you would say Yoshida because Royce kept pulling guard to his back to avoid the throw. If you are a bjj guy you say Royce because Yoshida was not being allowed to use his best techs.
He lost to Ude Garami.
Look up Helio Vs Kimura there is a pic on the Web.

And having seen the Royce fight
The Ref was out of place He was not in Danger

It was a realy bad call.
Judo the "mother art" spanks her little BJJ boy again. This time, it was because he was getting too big for his boots.
Than there are BJJ to Judo
Note i am not Ranked in BJJ or Judo

I like both arts but facts are facts
& thats the bottom line :asian:
I have done both some Judo and some BJJ. I find the Judo guys have a better sense of balance while standing but seem to fall apart on the ground while the BJJ guys tend to excell after the ground game is started. You find that? Just curious.
I find most Judo guys that I have faced are not that good at either and most of the BJJ guys till past Blue are really only good at stalling but I think by belt rank BJJ guys are far supior to Judo guys on the ground and I think until about 5 years ago the opposite is true but with the best BJJ guys geting good takedowns it is working it's way down the line.
I've met both good & bad practioners at both.

I have Met some Judo guy's
that were well versed in the Ground Game
I've met some BJJ guy's that were as good standing
as they were on the ground.

I have met some who seem to be lacking
i think Judo is a bit more limited do to
the rules in the sport.
How ever that does not apply to all.

Now as for the Record of Fighting
BJJ guy's do have the higher advantege
But there have been Wins on the Judo side as well.
For me personaly i feel both arts/sports are good
And FUN above all.
Also i have met some truely cool people from both.:D

Happy New Year Everyone:D
Hi, im a brazilian guy and pratices Jiu-Jitsu here. I dont think this talking leads to anything, BJJ and Judo are brother arts, many Judokas pratices BJJ here, and the same thing BJJ pratices Judo, the larger Japanese colony in the world is here in Brazil, and the link between the arts is really great.
Many Judokas that i fought are great newaza fighters, their only flawless is the lack of leglock training, so if you go for their leg and ankle locks, maybe you can have a great chance to win, but its almost impossible to take them down.
Every japanese martial art has its goods ( chinese ones are just plastic ones, not efective in my opinion), like Aikido, Judo, Jujutsu, Karate. These one are all good ones to learn, and focuses what the other ones lacks, so they all compliment the rest of them, that way there is no sense this talking.