Jian / Nunchaku questions



Hi all,

I'm new to this board, so moderator, please wop me upside the head and move my thread if I'm posting in the wrong area.

I have two questions:

First - the word "Jian." Can anyone tell me what this means and how to pronounce it? Is it "sword" in general? And is it pronounced gee-an or gee-on? Stress on second syllable?

Second - I couldn't find a thread for general weapons. I'm self-taught with the nunchaku and have run out of movements. Can anyone recommend an advanced nunchaku video/dvd, preferably demonstration-style (vs. kata style)?

Many thanks in advance.
Jian in Mandarin is "jiAn" or Gim "geem" in Cantonese & it's the basic two edged sword in China. There all sorts of derivations & configurations but a jian is a simple, two edged sword.
I googled nunchukus and found some nice sites
Yeah, I googled, too. And tried eBay for vids. I just don't want to get stuck with some poor quality tape that has 1,999 stances and no strikes. I want flash! I want speed! I want tricks to boggle the mind and make people say, "oooo!"
Yep, I want pretty (all girls want pretty). Nunchaku is not my weapon of choice, but it's easy for me and good practice for the reflexes.