James Williams will be on the Discovery Channel Time Warp Series tonight.

Brian King

Master of Arts
Supporting Member
MT Mentor
Mar 17, 2003
Reaction score
Bellevue, Washington USA
It should be interesting to see the strikes and throws that are based on sword movement along with the sword movement caught on high speed camera footage then slowed down to see the nuances. Discovery Channel sometimes has interesting shows so I will be interested to see how they do with this one.

Discovery Channel Time Warp Series
James has just completed two shows in the Time Warp series with Discovery Channel. They show high speed camera footage of cutting with the katana as well as throws and strikes based on sword movement in very slow motion. This allows the viewer to see minute detail in the techniques and a look into what makes these sophisticated techniques work.

Time Warp has just notified us that they will be airing the next show tonight at 8:00. If you have a chance check it out! Details below.
12/3/08 (We.)
8:00 PM
(#107) Samurai Sword Master

More information on James Williams can be found here.

Warmest Regards
Brian King
Cool. I will have to record this!