Isshin Ryu and nunchaku kata?


Isshin Dragon

Any Isshin people do nunchaku kata? We went over one in class...but I cant remember it. I was wondering if anyone had any links to some videos of one or a description or anything like that.
When I did it (20 years ago), it was only bo and sai--but I played with the nunchake on my own!
Hi, I'm in Issin Ryu also. I have learned kata with the bo and boken, and I am receiving my sias very soon. I find the katas with the weapons really interesting. I prefer weapons kata over empty hand kata. I just find them a little easier, but yet harder in a way. I enjoy learning new katas no matter the style (weapons or empty hand).

:asian: :ninja:
I wasn't aware of any Ishin-ryu nunchuku kata either, but kobudo practicioners have a tendancy to pick things up from all over the place. What was the name of the kata?

On a seprate note, I really enjoy weapon kata too. I actually know Chatanyara no Sai which I believe is from Ichin-ryu. Probably my favorite sai kata. Glad to see more Kobudo practicioners around.
In Issinryu, we practice many weapons katas. We practice with bo, boke, sias, and more. I have heard of Chatanyara No Sia, but I won't be learning it for quite some time. I will first be learning a basic sia kata.
Traditionally there are no Nunchaku Kata in Isshin Ryu . These are the Kobudo Kata taught within Isshin Ryu :
Tokumine No Kun
Urashi Bo
Shichi No Kun No Dai
Sai -
Kusanku Sai
Chatanyara No Sai
& sometimes Kyan No Sai
Chiefa Tonfa

David Somers
Originally posted by okinawagojuryu
Traditionally there are no Nunchaku Kata in Isshin Ryu . These are the Kobudo Kata taught within Isshin Ryu :
Tokumine No Kun
Urashi Bo
Shichi No Kun No Dai
Sai -
Kusanku Sai
Chatanyara No Sai
& sometimes Kyan No Sai
Chiefa Tonfa

David Somers

There is also another bo kata which is learned before Tokumine No Kun, it is just a basic bo kata (there is also a basic sai kata learned before Kusanku Sai).
Yes , I forgot to mention Kusanku Sai , sorry . In regards to the basic bo kata taught within Isshin Ryu , I do believe some Isshin Ryu Dojo teach a Basic Kata , but it is not officially part of the system . Only Tokumine , Urashi , & Shichi .

i enjoy weapons forms also. i have seen isshin ryu, i think it's a nice style. i would like to learn it someday
Originally posted by Shinzu
i enjoy weapons forms also. i have seen isshin ryu, i think it's a nice style. i would like to learn it someday

Yes, Isshinryu is a pretty nice style. I enjoy it. If you would like to learn it, then maybe try searching the web. I know there are at least a few good sites out there to look at and look into Isshinryu.
Originally posted by IssinryuKarateGirl
Yes, Isshinryu is a pretty nice style. I enjoy it. If you would like to learn it, then maybe try searching the web. I know there are at least a few good sites out there to look at and look into Isshinryu.

there is a school around here that i know of but unfortuately it does not have morning classes. i work second shift so in order to keep training i must stay where i am for now. thanx for the reply though:D