Iron Chin

jkd friend

Green Belt
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
What does this really mean, the overall concept of someone having a good or strong chin is it more mental more physicial. :asian:
when you train or fight, close your mouth real good. press stiff lips together and brace yourself. Hanging jaw=broken jaw, tongue in cheek=no tongue
big smile=no teeth.

What does this really mean, the overall concept of someone having a good or strong chin is it more mental more physicial. :asian:

As in taking a punch I presume since we are on a Martial Arts site LOL.

Oh heck, it doesn't mean anything in my view. Some people can take a hit and some can't. My brother can take a full strike to the chin and look at you like now it's my turn where I on the other hand will probably be shaken and probably will go down for a few, that's why I avoid being hit there.:)
What does this really mean, the overall concept of someone having a good or strong chin is it more mental more physicial. :asian:

Really, really good question! I have often wondered this myself and look forward to reading the responses.

I should imagine that the answer will lie somewhere in the middle. I think in the same way that some people are born with certain body shapes/ structure, a certain amount of "Iron Jaw" will also be inherited/genetic. However, conditioning and a certain psychological mind set will also be hugely important.

This is just my ignorant, novice guess work by the way. I hope some more people on here have some proper evidence based answers.
Really, really good question! I have often wondered this myself and look forward to reading the responses.

I should imagine that the answer will lie somewhere in the middle. I think in the same way that some people are born with certain body shapes/ structure, a certain amount of "Iron Jaw" will also be inherited/genetic. However, conditioning and a certain psychological mind set will also be hugely important.

This is just my ignorant, novice guess work by the way. I hope some more people on here have some proper evidence based answers.

I guess we could throw drugs and alcohol into the equation also as to whether someone could take a punch to the chin better then someone else. Whoa! I want to see this one take off.