Introduction from Hutchinson KS

Greetings and welcome to MT...
Hi, hutchtkd! My wife's from Hutch; we're going to be down that way for the fair this weekend. mmm... pronto pups.

Pronto Pups, turkey legs, the smell of diesel fuel and the sound of kids screaming...aahhhhh it's fair time
I heard that Manual was teaching free of charge now.
That's increadible!!!
"Perfection of character is Never complete"

Might make it to the fair this weekend...

Sorry to hear about Aaron T. !! That's a shame, what happened??
If you want too....send an E-mail.

Talk to you later..
Your Brother
Here's an idea:
Look at Manual's "Kenpo" certificates....
If I'm not mistaken his Oldest one(s) will have BOTH Mr. Farr AND a man named "Rick Fowler" on the signature lines...
Rick Fowler IS Very reachable. He might even know how to reach/find Mr. Farr.
in fact, if you look at the "Black Belt" mag that Manual used to keep in a frame on the wall, the one with Mr. Farr on the cover, if you look at the young blond haired guy he's punching.....THAT is Mr. Fowler. ((Don't know if Manual still has that mag, or has it UP in the school...might have it at his place))

Please: Tell Manual I said hello.

Your Brother
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