So I changed my diet almost two months ago, on the advice of my physician, and have accordingly (though this was not the purpose), dropped my weight and waste size significantly. I felt it was time for a new gi, as my old gi's pants were being pulled in so tight they they accordianed all over the place, and the jacket was, what's the word, voluminous?
My last gi, which was great (and a size 6), was a Ronin Shiai red label. Good heavy weight gi, got it on sale for like $85 when I bought it. So naturally I ordered the same thing, in size 5.
But the company I ordered from was out of the size 5 and would be for "a few months". Ugh. So I bit the bullet and ordered the "black label". Why am I thinking of cruddy scotch? Anyway, the black label, while still put together in Pakistan, uses that blue no. 10 duck canvas stuff from Japan.
And boy did it arrive blue! Not sure if it is no. 10 duck canvas, or regular canvas died blue, but I like the gi, and after I pre-shrunk it, it fits perfectly. What a difference not having a heavy balloon strapped about you. Yay!
EDIT: Just to point out, it's not blue like a BJJ or Judo gi, but blue as in turquiose, baby blue ,whatever. Hope that fades soon, though, it's kinda awkward.
My last gi, which was great (and a size 6), was a Ronin Shiai red label. Good heavy weight gi, got it on sale for like $85 when I bought it. So naturally I ordered the same thing, in size 5.
But the company I ordered from was out of the size 5 and would be for "a few months". Ugh. So I bit the bullet and ordered the "black label". Why am I thinking of cruddy scotch? Anyway, the black label, while still put together in Pakistan, uses that blue no. 10 duck canvas stuff from Japan.
And boy did it arrive blue! Not sure if it is no. 10 duck canvas, or regular canvas died blue, but I like the gi, and after I pre-shrunk it, it fits perfectly. What a difference not having a heavy balloon strapped about you. Yay!
EDIT: Just to point out, it's not blue like a BJJ or Judo gi, but blue as in turquiose, baby blue ,whatever. Hope that fades soon, though, it's kinda awkward.