so my son recently started karate. The only teacher locally is a Goju Ryu teacher. My son wanted me to start taking it with him. I've been reluctant but finally gave in. His teacher doesn't remember me but he and I started karate in the 90s about the same time from a guy that just made up his system, but it won tournaments. His teacher and I just got our 1 dan when I joined the Marines. Since then I got 2 dan in Shorin ryu and 1 dan in Shotokan. But haven't trained in about 12 years. Since trading in traditional systems I have always been taught to work off of the center line and that blocks are not even remotely blocks. So I go to this class and he starts trashing my blocks and saying they won't work and they'll never stop anything. Then proceeds to tell me that I was wrong and in Okinawa shorin looks like goju. My first shorin ryu teacher was an Okinawan and he taught never cross centerline and nearly everything is about 45 degree angle.
My sons teacher professes a 7 dan and is not 50 yet. How can I tactfully express the validity of what I know without calling him out on what he doesn't know
My sons teacher professes a 7 dan and is not 50 yet. How can I tactfully express the validity of what I know without calling him out on what he doesn't know