Gaming and Martial Arts

Originally posted by KenpoTess
This about sums it up :)
(found on a gaming site)

34 things I learned from video games:

7. If you see food lying on the ground, eat it.

hey Rusty...take this advice!...:rofl:
Originally posted by Chronuss
hey Rusty...take this advice!...:rofl:



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Seig surprised me with the expansion to Morrowind Elder Scrolls III... anyone else play ??

I am quite addicted to Morrowind.. and am looking forward to delving deeper into Tribunal ..

I'm waiting for a new one called Fable. It's an Xbox exclusive. You start with a young villager and make decisions along the way to allow him to evolve. As the character evolves he ages with the storyline and the effect of his choices become apparent. If you decide to be come a brute warrior, then you become bigger and more muscular. If you become an archer you become thin and wirey. If you you take the dark path, them you start whereing darker clothes. As you age you get grey hair, ect. Looks to be a really cool game. I may pick up the new Ninja Gaiden also.
Originally posted by OULobo
I'm waiting for a new one called Fable. It's an Xbox exclusive. You start with a young villager and make decisions along the way to allow him to evolve. As the character evolves he ages with the storyline and the effect of his choices become apparent. If you decide to be come a brute warrior, then you become bigger and more muscular. If you become an archer you become thin and wirey. If you you take the dark path, them you start whereing darker clothes. As you age you get grey hair, ect. Looks to be a really cool game. I may pick up the new Ninja Gaiden also.

hey that sounds like alot of fun~!!
*wants a X box now~!!! Hope you get it soon~! :)