Clark Kent
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Yonkers PTK
By blade of grass - 10-14-2013 02:52 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Yonkers Pekiti Tirsia Classes
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By blade of grass - 10-14-2013 02:52 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Yonkers Pekiti Tirsia Classes
New York PTK is starting a group in the woodlawn/mclean ave area of yonkers and the bronx. I'm thinking of of two day's a week 2 hour's per class contact Antonio or Jelani New York Jiu jitsu for more info (212) 343- 8310 or Guro Eddie at classes will be held twice a week. Pekiti Tersia is the combat system of the Tortal family and teaches the use of knife sword stick and H2H and has a history of proven combat effectiveness and is the CQC system of the Filipino force Recon Marines .
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