FMAT: How many of the "Greats" had no "Certificates"

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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How many of the "Greats" had no "Certificates"
By geezer - Thu, 29 May 2008 14:52:34 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I was talking with some friends in the arts about all the overblown claims some people make about being being "certified" as master of this or that by "so and so". Yet it seems like an awful lot of the really great masters had no formal certification and were not "chosen" inheritors of a specific lineage. They learned from their fathers, uncles, cousins and friends, ...and from their own experiences. They were men of unusual physical and mental ability who put together their own systems, and, while they gave credit to their forebearers, they stood on the basis of their accomplishments, not their certificates or inheritance. Can you guys think of any legendary "greats" that fit this description? How about some current practitiners too?


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How many of the "Greats" had no "Certificates"
By geezer - Thu, 29 May 2008 14:52:34 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk

I was talking with some friends in the arts about all the overblown claims some people make about being being "certified" as master of this or that by "so and so". Yet it seems like an awful lot of the really great masters had no formal certification and were not "chosen" inheritors of a specific lineage. They learned from their fathers, uncles, cousins and friends, ...and from their own experiences. They were men of unusual physical and mental ability who put together their own systems, and, while they gave credit to their forebearers, they stood on the basis of their accomplishments, not their certificates or inheritance. Can you guys think of any legendary "greats" that fit this description? How about some current practitiners too?


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Clark Kent

I agree with you to a point, there are some people out there that claim more then what they are. But, however training with someone who doesn't have credentials is like going to a Doctor who doesn't have credentials, how do you know if this person actually knows and understands what he/she is teaching you?

Just remember that a certificate only indicates that you have taken the time to discipline yourself in the particular art and that you have met the requirements to pass it on to the next generation (that's all). The rest you have to backup yourself. Most of the people that created certain concepts of combat come from many years of martial arts training and felt that they could improve the concept of their combat. Without the proper knowledge you can't create anything.

Finding a legit teacher with proper credentials is important, why? so you can eventually claim authority in what you teach. It's no different them going to a college who looses it's credentials. I do agree that their are some great martial artist out there that have no credentials, but by the same token I wouldn't hire an electrician who doesn't have a license to practice (no matter how great he was) due to the fact if something goes wrong the license electrician has insurance and is protected and so is your property.

My thought on this is if you have that much talent then why not discipline yourself to get the proper credentials to show that you have dedicated yourself to be the expert or master that you have become. A certificate is only a piece of paper, just like a ranking belt is only a belt, you need to be able and backup everything yourself. But people would have more confidence in the instructor if he/she took the proper channels to get to where they are. And credentials are there to protect those individuals that took the time to train with the particular teacher and are granted permission to teach that style and protect their individual associations from FRAUD.

Credentials are only worth what they are worth. Long ago, martial arts masters didn't have fancy paper, 200 10th dans, and a fist full of rings. They collected heads, they busted heads, they earned reputations as competent fighters and soldiers and commanders, and then passed on what they really experienced, not whatthey read, or watched, or were told.

How many of our multiple art, cross ranked, so called grandmasters have been in a real fight? Combat? How many of our supposed "innovators" who have a 5th in this, a 6th in that, a 10th in whatever it is they call their own mishmash, and the "honored" title of "soke", with a wall or binder full of paper, while having spent their entire martial arts career safe in a small town teaching out of the local YMCA or a community collage gym?

Paper is bought. Certificates are cheap.
Real skill, that's priceless.