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Historical question and/or Statement
By Datu Tim Hartman - 07-18-2013 04:49 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
So I’ve been keeping my opinions to myself for a while. I’ve seen things posted on the net and I’ve let them slide. I’ve been doing a lot of work in the FMA community to try to bring people together and keep the peace. With that said, sometimes I feel the need to speak my mind and question the accuracy of statements and claims. I’ve recently seen this posted on the net:
“GM Atillo is among the last of the people who knew the Saavedra's, Lorenzo and Doring, personally. His art is the closest thing that we have to the original Saavedra Eskrima System, which is also known more popularly as Balintawak Eskrima“
I have two questions or issues with this post.
1. According to GM Atillo’s website, he was born in 1938. That means he was 4 years old when the Japanese invaded the Philippines. I don’t know how much training he could have done with the Saavedra’s at that age. And I doubt that GM Atillo ever trained with the Saavedras since they both died during WWII.
2. Saavedra Eskrima is not Balintawak, its Saavedra Eskrima. Anciong Bacon modified what he was taught and it evolved into was is now known as Balintawak. Calling it Saavedra’s Balintawak is saying Yip Man’s Jeet Kune Do.
Now I want to make something very clear. I’m not attacking Atillo. My problem is with the people who may be misinterpreting what he may be saying. Having trained with many different Asian instructors who speak English as a second language, I can see how someone can misunderstand what they are being told. My problem is with people who choose to misinterpret things with the intent of rewriting history.
Now before everyone jumps all over me saying I don’t know what I’m talking about, let say one thing. I started my Balintawak training in 2000 as a private student of the late GM Ted Buot. Manong Ted was the leading authority on GM Bacon’s original ungrouped method of Balintawak. Manong Ted was the only person to teach in the Balintawak club when GM Anciong wasn’t there.
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By Datu Tim Hartman - 07-18-2013 04:49 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
So I’ve been keeping my opinions to myself for a while. I’ve seen things posted on the net and I’ve let them slide. I’ve been doing a lot of work in the FMA community to try to bring people together and keep the peace. With that said, sometimes I feel the need to speak my mind and question the accuracy of statements and claims. I’ve recently seen this posted on the net:
“GM Atillo is among the last of the people who knew the Saavedra's, Lorenzo and Doring, personally. His art is the closest thing that we have to the original Saavedra Eskrima System, which is also known more popularly as Balintawak Eskrima“
I have two questions or issues with this post.
1. According to GM Atillo’s website, he was born in 1938. That means he was 4 years old when the Japanese invaded the Philippines. I don’t know how much training he could have done with the Saavedra’s at that age. And I doubt that GM Atillo ever trained with the Saavedras since they both died during WWII.
2. Saavedra Eskrima is not Balintawak, its Saavedra Eskrima. Anciong Bacon modified what he was taught and it evolved into was is now known as Balintawak. Calling it Saavedra’s Balintawak is saying Yip Man’s Jeet Kune Do.
Now I want to make something very clear. I’m not attacking Atillo. My problem is with the people who may be misinterpreting what he may be saying. Having trained with many different Asian instructors who speak English as a second language, I can see how someone can misunderstand what they are being told. My problem is with people who choose to misinterpret things with the intent of rewriting history.
Now before everyone jumps all over me saying I don’t know what I’m talking about, let say one thing. I started my Balintawak training in 2000 as a private student of the late GM Ted Buot. Manong Ted was the leading authority on GM Bacon’s original ungrouped method of Balintawak. Manong Ted was the only person to teach in the Balintawak club when GM Anciong wasn’t there.
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