


I am afraid of losing a fight one day in real situation. does anyone else feel the same? and what do they do about it? any advice?
Gavin said:
I am afraid of losing a fight one day in real situation. does anyone else feel the same? and what do they do about it? any advice?
If you fight, you will loose at some point. It's a contact game. Accept it & get over it.

I don't think about it, I train to prevent it. If I can't prevent it, at least I can mitigate the damage I take.
Exactly, you are going to loose, just train hard and realistic so that you minimize the chance of you loosing.

Gavin said:
I am afraid of losing a fight one day in real situation. does anyone else feel the same? and what do they do about it? any advice?
A "real situation"? I suppose this is outside of regular sparring/tournament/training setting and you are speaking of an altercation that may happen wherever you are. You won't have time to be afraid of losing as you will be focused on self-preservation.

All you can do is hone your skills the best you can, be aware of your surroundings, if you see something going to happen--just get out--no shame with leaving whenever possible before it happens. One thing to remember, even if you did know your style well (and I know you are new at Wu Shu), the chance of getting hurt is always very possible. Weapons can sometimes be present.

Just remember, even the best martial artist may not always succeed (come out on top). The first goal is to avoid confrontations and the second goal, if a confrontation happens in spite of your effort to avoid it, is to get out alive and minimize injury to self.

- Ceicei
Gavin said:
I am afraid of losing a fight one day in real situation. does anyone else feel the same? and what do they do about it? any advice?
You're human it's a natural feeling.

I feel very confident in my ablities to use my Black Tiger ,does that make me unbeatable?


You can only train to the best of your ability ,and train against others to better your chances.

hey Ceicei, I just saw an old discussion where u said u had some interesting ideas of what to fill a room with. what were they?
I think about this all the time, even though i am getting higher in grade (just got my brown sash). I know I need to get more fight experience but hopefully i can avoid confrontations. THankgod i have never had to use my skills but I just hope I can defend myself well enough to survive.
When i was 17, before even having any MA knowledge i was attacked and it was only my will to stay alive whih helped me to survive and by some miracle left completely unmarked, no bruises. The adrenaline makes your stronger so you don't feel as much pain.
TO be prepared for such encounters we need to train hard, realistically and drill techniques all the time along with conditioning so we can take blows, because no matter how good you are someone will always manage to get a shot in, but if you cna take those first few punches you will come out ok, or atleast alive and with minimal damage!
Tony said:
TO be prepared for such encounters we need to train hard, realistically and drill techniques all the time along with conditioning so we can take blows, because no matter how good you are someone will always manage to get a shot in, but if you cna take those first few punches you will come out ok, or atleast alive and with minimal damage!
That is a very true statement ,and one that my sifu drills into us all the time. What good is training techniques ,if you can't withstand the pain of a strike?!?!?!

Too many ppl forget the part of training to withstand an attack ,it's good to train with gear ,but you need to train without gear also. Because when the body is hit in real time and with real power ,it reacts differently to when you're wearing protection. many ppl who've sparred with gear all the time ,when hit for real can't take a simple arm punch much less a punch from someone who knows what they're doing.

Something we do in class is to breathe in and out, tensing our whole bodies and after a while we get our partner to kick us in the stomach while breating out. THis is a good way of practicing to be able to withstand strikes . When I spar I never use body protection, only occasionally head gear and thats it!
Gavin said:
hey Ceicei, I just saw an old discussion where u said u had some interesting ideas of what to fill a room with. what were they?
Ummm. I'll have to look for that thread and post my answer over there....

- Ceicei
Fear is good...within reason.

Train hard, spar often. Other than actually getting in fights, I don't have a better idea!
I have run accross several threads about this here on MT. It is a very valid concern.

Something to consider

here will be pain. It might be yours.

There will be blood. It probably will be yours.

There will be anger, hatred even. It will be directed towards you.

I think this is really important. It seems so obvious yet is often overlooked when discussing SD aspects of martial arts.

The above came from an article from Mr. LaBounty's website. The full article can be found here:

thank u for all your advice so far. U all have very interesting points of view. If anyone has any other response, just drop a reply, thanks

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