Fighter just got back from Thailand

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
A student from our Thai boxing club just got back from Thailand. He had spent a year there training and fighting and apparently he did pretty well for himself. It's funny I've been hearing all about his exploits without having met the guy I actually felt like i knew him. Anyway tonight I saw this new guy training in the advanced class and I was commenting on how good his technique was only to find out it was him, he had just gotten back. I introduced myself and got to know him a bit and now he's going to train with me in the off hours. Woohoo! It's great to be taught by your Kru and all but to glean some knowledge from a fighter from Thailand is fantastic. I hope sparring with him will improve my ability drastically (I've got high hopes)

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
All I gotta say is... his technique is sharp. He does certain little things when he kicks and knees that I am going to try to work into my training and what really caught my attention was that he did it the same way EVERY time. Each kick was crisp and fast, each knee was thrust exactly the same way...even when he was tired, this guy didnt look like he was getting tired though. I get pooped halfway through a round. I'm hoping when we spar he will give me any secrets and tips that will help me.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
That's great, he has made a commitment and has achieved his desire to train in Thailand.