Everyone you meet is fighting a battle...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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The first part is good to keep in mind in our daily interactions with people. When we run into people who seem rude, nasty etc we don't know what they might be going through that's causing them to behave that way. Sure they might just be a-holes but maybe not. I guess you could interpret the second part as attack them with kindness, maybe try to improve their day. Now if they don't get moving fast enough when the light turns green cause they're looking at their phone, then a sword is called for.
I don’t think that proverb is suggesting one should be nice but instead attack and defeat such a person because they’re unlikely to be able to handle two battles simultaneously.

Musashi believed in winning even to the point of bashing your enemy’s head in with a rock if you have to. Others thought this attitude was dishonourable and rather beastly but Musashi believed all is fair in war.
I don’t think that proverb is suggesting one should be nice but instead attack and defeat such a person because they’re unlikely to be able to handle two battles simultaneously.

Musashi believed in winning even to the point of bashing your enemy’s head in with a rock if you have to. Others thought this attitude was dishonourable and rather beastly but Musashi believed all is fair in war.
I would have to agree.
Also a person with a well-developed character does not take their problems out and about with them. It is uncouth as it makes others feel awkward.
Also a person with a well-developed character does not take their problems out and about with them. It is uncouth as it makes others feel awkward.
The motto at military academy was “ character before career” but the commandant told me “ just because you are a character, doesn’t mean you have character”.
Also a person with a well-developed character does not take their problems out and about with them. It is uncouth as it makes others feel awkward.
You might be in the wrong forum then…🤔
Or sympathy at all.
Some children never grow up and feel the need for a ‘there, there’ when they metaphorically skin their knee.

Sympathy should come from those closest to you.
Decades of keeping my pain to myself didn't help. Now I am receiving something called "Prolonged Exposure." I'm forced to restate my trauma-causing event over and over again in therapy, and to confront the things I have avoided, including not keeping my troubles to myself. I don't seek sympathy, but some understanding would be nice. I'll be happy to move along if it bothers anyone. That's what I've been doing for decades anyway.
Decades of keeping my pain to myself didn't help. Now I am receiving something called "Prolonged Exposure." I'm forced to restate my trauma-causing event over and over again in therapy, and to confront the things I have avoided, including not keeping my troubles to myself. I don't seek sympathy, but some understanding would be nice. I'll be happy to move along if it bothers anyone. That's what I've been doing for decades anyway.
I’ve sincerely never noticed you doing this, Bill. Does it work?
I’ve sincerely never noticed you doing this, Bill. Does it work?
I often bail on social activity for months or years at a time, usually after working myself into a state and feeling as if I've worn out my welcome. That includes MT. However, my withdrawal from society has gotten to the point where I've shut out all my remaining family and most friends. It's just me and my wife and my gardening and karate. It's become an issue, so I finally had to get help.
I often bail on social activity for months or years at a time, usually after working myself into a state and feeling as if I've worn out my welcome. That includes MT. However, my withdrawal from society has gotten to the point where I've shut out all my remaining family and most friends. It's just me and my wife and my gardening and karate. It's become an issue, so I finally had to get help.
I don’t care for people in general, so it’s just my family, MA, and hobbies mostly. I’m glad that therapy is helping you.
I often bail on social activity for months or years at a time, usually after working myself into a state and feeling as if I've worn out my welcome.
Oh I see. I have a low threshold for those referred to as ‘emotional vampires’, but other than you admitting that you’re very old and your looks and teeth have all gone I’ve never thought of you in anything like those terms.

Funnily enough, I was thinking earlier that there are a few people on MT who I’d love to go out for a beer and visit a strip joint, but due to geography, am very unlikely to ever do so. You were on that list, Bill. (It’d be your round, all night, though)
I don’t care for people in general, so it’s just my family, MA, and hobbies mostly. I’m glad that therapy is helping you.
I always think I’m a bit of a misanthrope, but on meeting ’people’ I quite like them (except flat earthers😡)