EPAK - Current Rank & Time in the System


  • White

  • Yellow

  • Orange

  • Purple

  • Blue

  • Green

  • 3rd Class Brown

  • 2nd Class Brown

  • 1st Class Brown

  • Black & Above

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's all good!! We were all Orange Belts once ... well, not those that were promoted before there were colored belts, but that is reaching waaaaaaayyyyyy back.

I was never an orange belt. When I started my journey up the ranks, we went white, green, blue, brown, black. In my first "formalized curriculuum of study" I spent one year as a white belt, 3 years as a green belt, 1 year at blue, 4 years at brown until acheiving my black. I started that at 9, and got my black belt at 18. (Technically, I was still 17, I got promoted in February and my birthday was in June). I received my first degree black belt on February 22, 1988.
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
:eek: 27 black belts!

But me, orange belt w/ a little under a year under it.

Don't worry.........I'm a white belt.......well.........I don't even have a belt yet, but when I get it it will be white. Matter of fact, I don't even have a gi yet either. So don't worry. I'm way behind you! :)
OK ya'll ... "1,162 views on this site, but only 62 votes, where are the other 1,100", he asked with a smile?

Michael Billings said:
OK ya'll ... "1,162 views on this site, but only 62 votes, where are the other 1,100", he asked with a smile?
Apparently some of these views are repeat/return views. I'm not sure how many and how often we come back to check. There probably are other views by those studying other styles who feel they cannot skew the results by posting if they aren't in EPAK.

- Ceicei
Do I get to add a second vote when I complete my test on Saturday morning?

Actually, I think when I answered the poll the first time around, I listed myself as a 2nd Brown ... but I must have been hallucinating, cuz I earned my 3rd Brown back last summer. I'm testing for 2nd Brown Saturday. Oh, well. I'll try and vote again anyhow... what's the harm.


* * * * EDIT * * * *

Well, I can't seem to vote again. :-(
And the 2nd Brown ballot is in an italic font, so maybe that means, that's what I voted a few months back.
So on Saturday, I will catch up to my vote

* * * * END OF EDIT * * * *
Michael Billings said:
How about it? We looked at how many Black Belts we had posting. What about everyone else? Are you sandbagging, or an over achiever?


7 years, 1st Black. But I often leave class figuring I'd be wiser to put back on the white one. There is so much more I don't know...

I respect your humbleness.

Chicago Green Dragon


Doc said:
48 years this year, and still trying to get a handle on this stuff. Rank; white belt with a "black" mind.
Don't worry, you now have company for the Sunday test.

Am going to cower now.
Ceicei said:
18 years off and on (six years total of training). Reached the purple belt rank, started over, reached orange, started over, reached purple. My reasons were mostly due to health problems and circumstances with various dojos (college class-could not stay after graduation, instructor moved, dojos closing down and dojo changing MA style).

Now I am a blue belt and staying in for the long haul.

Had there been consistency over the past years, I probably would be a BB by now.

- Ceicei
I say I am a white belt due to very similar circumstances. Made orange when I was around 18 and then went into the military. started over made orange and moved bases. started over and got ellow then got out of military and went home. Started again and made yellow in Tracy's system and instructor closed school and left. now want to start again.......So I am a white belt. Been trainig off and on for 15 years (6 months here 6months there) and 2 years of Shotokan in between.
marshallbd said:
I say I am a white belt due to very similar circumstances. Made orange when I was around 18 and then went into the military. started over made orange and moved bases. started over and got ellow then got out of military and went home. Started again and made yellow in Tracy's system and instructor closed school and left. now want to start again.......So I am a white belt. Been trainig off and on for 15 years (6 months here 6months there) and 2 years of Shotokan in between.

I have to say both of you show a lot more dedication than most. May your journey from here on out be positive.


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