Ed Parker Books.....

I was just looking at one of the local stores that normally carry the Infinite Insights books, and the are out of volumes I and II. Do you have those by chance? I was looking to order them online but if you have them, I would rather someone I know get my money.

Infinite Insights 1-5.........................$ 15.00 us
Encyclopedia of Kenpo.....................$ 25.00 us
Zen of Kenpo...................................$ 15.00 us
Kenpo Karate..................................$ 15.00 us
Secrets of Chinese Karate...............$ 15.00 us
Womens Guide to Self Defense.......$ 15.00 us
Ed Parkers Guide to the Nunchaku..$ 15.00 us
Memories of Ed Parker.....................$ 25.00 us

plus shipping and handling

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Infinite Insights 1-5.........................$ 15.00 us
Encyclopedia of Kenpo.....................$ 25.00 us
Zen of Kenpo...................................$ 15.00 us
Kenpo Karate..................................$ 15.00 us
Secrets of Chinese Karate...............$ 15.00 us
Womens Guide to Self Defense.......$ 15.00 us
Ed Parkers Guide to the Nunchaku..$ 15.00 us
Memories of Ed Parker.....................$ 25.00 us

plus shipping and handling


Good prices- I've seen the encyclopedia for 35 dollars and about 18 dollars for the rest.

I've never heard of the Memories of Ed Parker book. I imagine
it's written by seniors and the like, telling their favorite stories?

By the way GD7, I love your story about the universal pattern!!!
Originally posted by Kirk

I've never heard of the Memories of Ed Parker book. I imagine
it's written by seniors and the like, telling their favorite stories?

By the way GD7, I love your story about the universal pattern!!!

Memories was written by his wife, Leilani with some stories from his children too.

It's a very good book on the pre Kenpo Ed Parker and during the early days what life was like at home....... written by his wife.

A must have along with everything else...lol
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
I have those also....... hee hee but only with one autograph!

LOL, hey, it's a start!

(I'd be ticked if it came with someone other than Mr C's ROFL!)
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

20 journeys left... so get your order in.


If there is one Kenpo book you get after the infinite insight series it should be the Journey...


and yeah, I got one, but there was a bunch a writing in the bottom corner on the page with your picture Mr. C...:D
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Anyone needing Ed Parker Books ..... let me know.... I have most all in stock now.


Not surprised! Next thing you know you'll be "Price Gouging!"

You don't fool us Golden One!:rofl:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I have those also....... hee hee but only with one autograph!

Hey GoldenDragon, ever heard of "Enron?":eek: