DJN Ji Seminar



Just finished a three day seminar with Do Ju Nim Ji and all I can say is wow. It's incredible to see an old man moving so fluidly and able to demonstrate the techniques with such ease. My entire body is aching but I now have a much firmer grounding in understanding the concepts and underlying methods of hapkido.
Went through the 25 basic kicks, showed them from various steppings to provide variations.

Various takedowns, wrist locks, throws, arm bars. Also what he called the "eight higher techniques". The were pretty evil, one in particular which was a back to back throw. Wouldn't want to ever use it on anyone because it dumps them straight on their head.

Michael Tomlinson could probably provide full details on what he would have taught. He showed us the white to 2nd degree Sin Moo material.
Hey buddy, I told you that you would have a good time!!! I bet you did great and had no problems with the learning and the practice,, good job man,, yeah some of those Sin Moo techniques are very brutal and aren't meant to ever get up from,, glad to see you stuck it out and persevered.

That full day of kicking is no joke huh? Everytime I do that day I hurt for a couple of days afterwards but it is a good hurt if you know what I mean...
Mike Tomlinson:)
Sorry fringedweller I got you mixed up with shadowdragon,,, but I'm sure you still know what I mean, the throw you're talking about from the high eight techniques we call a hip to hip throw and your'e right, there is no fall for that one,, only a landing!!!
Michael Tomlinson
Hey Mike.
I was very disapponted to hear that you weren't heading up to Mike McCarty's for the GM Ji seminar. :) I was looking forward to meeting you face to face. I hear you're a monster on the mat. I hope we can meet up soon.

Take care.
Thanks for the good word, yeah I am bummed about not coming up to work out big time. I was looking forward to meeting you and the other guys and working out. I played linebacker in college, wrestled etc,,, and my left knee has some swimming junk in it and I've put it off for years but it just keeps getting worse. I think I'm gonna have to go ahead and get some surgery on it. I do Hapkido and go hard but it seems to never fully recover. It's catch 22, if I don't work out my knee gets better but I feel crappy and when I do work out it gets sore. If I came up and did the two day training at this time my knee would be shot for quite a while unfortunately its been sore since about last December and hasn't gone away. So that's my sob story, have fun this weekend and tell Mike McCarty I said hi... he is a good dude..
Michael Tomlinson
(limping and pouting)
Hey Michael,

Funnily enough you did give me that advice, although quite a while ago now. You were quite right too - despite being a lowly green belt I got a whole lot out of it. A number of things he showed us have allowed me to improve my techniques. Amazing to see a 70yo move like that. Something to aspire to, that's for sure.


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