"Distort my wish" game.

You are killed, stripped of your skin, given a robe, and a Scythe, forced to speak in a jamacian accent and you become death.

Unfortuantly you are tricked by a Snobby little girl, and the worlds dumbest little boy, and forced to do their bidding most of the time.

I Wish that I could "channel surf" at will from Tv sho to tv show, living for a short time on each program.
Damnit shesulsa.


They Tie and Untie at the appropriate times. Unfortunatly, the shoes are given free will, and decide when THEY feel its appropriate. :)

My wish from above stands.
Technopunk said:
I Wish that I could "channel surf" at will from Tv sho to tv show, living for a short time on each program.
... and as you live a short time on each program, you suddenly feel the urge to vomit and wind up having an arterial rupture like John Ritter and die. (see? you're not the only evil one...)

I wish to see Technopunk decked out in black leather, studs and sunglasses frollicking in a field of blossoming wildflowers happy as can be that life dances inside his body. :boing1:
shesulsa said:
I wish to see Technopunk decked out in black leather, studs and sunglasses frollicking in a field of blossoming wildflowers happy as can be that life dances inside his body. :boing1:
Unfortunately, he forgot his pants.....

I wish for a big glass of beer....
You get a big glass of Beer.

Its Odouls, Non-alcoholic beer.

I wish Juan could escape from the LLR
Technopunk said:
I wish Juan could escape from the LLR
Juan escapes from the LLR, but all you men are completely intimidated by his excellent appearance, aplomb and *gifts* and drive him back.

I wish Dan would stop talking about beer.
Dan Stops talking about beer, and instead rambles incessantly about Juan's Pecs.

I wish dan had a glass of Fresh Clean Captain Bigbelly's Cutthroat Pilsner.
He had the same gluteal transplant surgery that Stimpy gave Ren. Didn't you ever wonder what happened to your ***?
mj-hi-yah said:
I wish I got that joke...:lookie:
The animated show 'Ren & Stimpy' was a hilariously funny, outlandish comedy about a cat (Stimpy) and a chihuahua (Ren). Ren is a skinny runt who has a bad attitude about everything, is selfish, mean and treats Stimpy like an idiot, which Stimpy is.

Ren and Stimpy go to the beach one day and Ren becomes jealous of these muscle men he sees getting girls, so he whines about having no pecs. He finds out about a plastic surgery procedure where the glutes are removed and implanted into the chest to make massive pecs. But the problem is, Ren has no glutes either. So Stimpy, with never-ending adoration for Ren, donates his own glutes so Ren can have awesome pecs, get girls, and be happy.

Stimpy sits idly by on the beach knitting and doting over how happy Ren is with his new pecs while Ren's pecs (a.k.a. Stimpy's ***) rule the dunes.

One of those 'gotta-be-a-fan-to-appreciate-it' jokes, I suppose.
I haven't appreciated modern cartoons like a lot of people have... they're just not the same ah say they're just not the same doc.
MACaver said:
I haven't appreciated modern cartoons like a lot of people have... they're just not the same ah say they're just not the same doc.
Hear hear! modern cartoons are really quite bad. It sickens me to see what kids are growing up watching these days. The innocence and carefree simplicity of cartoons has been lost to a increasing trend of lack of decency.[/RANT]

on this note I wish that new cartoons would be more like those of the old time WB cartoons, and in said wish no harm or misfortune come to anyone or anything, especially any old cartoon.
:-offtopic :-offtopic :-offtopic :-offtopic
dubljay said:
... I wish that new cartoons would be more like those of the old time WB cartoons, and in said wish no harm or misfortune come to anyone or anything, especially any old cartoon.
... Maya and Miguel begin to beat each other over the head with baseball bats, the dragons in Dragonland are all ordering ACME products and setting up roadblocks and parachuting and rocketing to get each other.

I wish some people would get over themselves ...
some people get over themselves... but its the people you will never know... and all the idiots you know are still high on themselves.

I wish I could remember everything that happened at chief stock VI last night...
Samantha said:
I wish I could remember everything that happened at chief stock VI last night...
You remember what happened and are so mortally embarrassed you never leave your house again, thwarting your training, killing your social life an wreaking havoc upon your suntan.

I wish my husband to be happier with the choices we make together.
shesulsa said:
I wish my husband to be happier with the choices we make together.
Your husband becomes very happy with all the choices you make together...only they're all the wrong choices. You gleefully decide to redecorate your home in black-and-white plaid with neon highlights...:partyon:

I wish for the winning mega-millions ticket...

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