Dirty Tricks :D

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
Winnipeg MB
Elbow in the sternum, chin in the ribs, finger under the nose.

We all know some, what are your favorite grappling dirty tricks? :D
Finger behind the ear or under the chin. Shin against the inside of the shin 4" above the ankle. Elbow in the side of the neck.
Raking my knuckles across the back of the opponents hand, pinching the achilles, oh and tickling... damn that is nasty and I have had it done to me too many times when I was about to win! :D
Thumb into the bicep hurts a lot too if you hit the right spot.
If were talking about street fighting, self defense:
Punch to throat
Nut Rack
Knee or Elbow to head
Knee or Elbow inside of rib cage

If were talking about the mat:
Pressure points on the head such as below the ear, tempal, nose rake or drag
Knuckle rake to the inside of the rib cage, just under the arm
Armpit pinch
I like the one where you pull out a stun-gun and put it right on their spine! Alternatives are eye-gouging, spitting, or biting the ear off Mike Tyson style.
Cinching the right side of the opponent's head tight against my right shoulder (to bury his face in my arm and limit air supply) while digging the knuckles of my right hand into his left temple (my right hand receiving extra power by gripping it with my left). It's not enough to stop someone but it hurts.

Also, digging into the cuticle with my thumbnail when trying to pry a finger.
Choking him out and sleeping with his girlfriend?
sticking my finger in their ear, pulling the ear, sticking my finger in their nose, pinching the nose, nipple pinch, driving fingers into the axilla, driving knuckles into the base of the skull, wrenching the index finger or big toe, punching the calf, driving a knee into the calf........
The Kai said:
Choking him out and sleeping with his girlfriend?

Hey! I was wondering where Summer went! I thought she must have gone to get help after I passed out. ... Don't know what happened..One minute I was walking along feeling fine and then...
okay this is kinda dirty but it teaches a good lesson.

When someone stands strait up when you have them in a closed guard. You grab their ankles and flex your hips. Forces them backwards and they fall straight back. Usually can only catch someone once with it but it is a good lesson to learn. However, please make sure they know how to tuck their chin as to not knock their head. :)
Lisa said:
okay this is kinda dirty but it teaches a good lesson.

When someone stands strait up when you have them in a closed guard. You grab their ankles and flex your hips. Forces them backwards and they fall straight back. Usually can only catch someone once with it but it is a good lesson to learn. However, please make sure they know how to tuck their chin as to not knock their head. :)

Beginners are fun aren't they :D

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