DF: What would you study in addition to FMA's?

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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What would you study in addition to FMA's?
By Darthmaul - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 03:52:20 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Hi all, I am currently taking a kali class twice a week. That is all my school if offering right now. I was thinking of trying to get another day of martial arts in. Only thing is I really have not found another Kali school that fits my schedual (plus I feel kind of loyal to mine and plus I hate if they found out if I was going to another one, I don't want to ruffle any feathers). Now I am sure I can find another martial art that fits in my schedual. I was wondering what I should take? I know my style of Kali does a lot of ju jitsu/akido/judo (and I really like that stuff) in there empty hand, maybe I should take that route. Then my striking is so so, I could take something like that. Oh and there some cool other south east asia arts like silat I was thining about. Then also, my conditioning could be better, and my stances and technique is a little sloppy (well I just started, it is getting better, but you know, when you see your guru's at work, your like wow). Oh, then I also like to know something in case were sparing, I like to throw some other stuff in there to make it interesting.

Well thanks, any idears would be great.


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