DF: The Essential Ray Floro - DVD

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The Essential Ray Floro - DVD
By rayfloro - Wed, 07 Nov 2007 09:03:58 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Greetings All,

Just thought I'd bring everybody up to date on the instruction course I've been working on.

I got such a great response to the Seven Vital Truths of Edge Weapons videos I put out.

With so many people asking if I had anything more substantial that they could get their hands on, I decided to put the "nuts and bolts" of my system on a double DVD set, (well it turned out to be a double DVD set) which I called the "Essential Ray Floro".

Initially this was scheduled to be released in early 2008, but because a number of people have been hassling me, I eventually convinced the manufacturer to run off a small number of advance copies that we are going to make available before Christmas. I haven't got an exact date for delivery as yet, but I am hoping it will be a week or so from now.

I'll keep you posted on the date I can get some of the finished product as soon as someone tells me.

Alternatively. Feel free to email me on [email protected]


Ray Floro



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