

MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
N.C. Ohio
Does anyone have a website to look at on their requirements per belt? I'm kind of curious since we all have different backgrounds and such in our arts. I've seen each of us talk about different forms and so on but more or less looking at the requirements of each belt.
I actually just found one. This has requirements from white to first black. It's not exactly what I was looking for but a good site nonetheless. Anyway this site has the hyungs I practiced in the past listed on the site. More info. would be appreciated if there are any out there.:)
Our school's web site has a listing of our particular belt requirements (Click "tae kwon do" hyperlink and the "belt level requirements"

I really like the way this particular school has theirs belt level forms listed...

ITATKD is an association. Each TKD association, organization and/or union to which a school may belong may have different requirements/forms especially if ITF/WTF/KTA/or GTF.
Originally posted by KickChick
Our school's web site has a listing of our particular belt requirements (Click "tae kwon do" hyperlink and the "belt level requirements"

Hey, your dojang looks pretty nice, and comfortable compared to our dojang which is as spartan as it gets. Just a mat and a couple of closets for changing rooms. It still helps us get the job done though... :asian:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I actually just found one. This has requirements from white to first black. It's not exactly what I was looking for but a good site nonetheless. Anyway this site has the hyungs I practiced in the past listed on the site. More info. would be appreciated if there are any out there.:)

What! Tong Po has a TKD past?:eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo
What! Tong Po has a TKD past?:eek:

Castillo, What am I going to do with 'ya??? I need to start training more indepth with my Ju-Jitsu friend too. I need to change my wrestling (past) to submission future. Then I will be ready to fight. All 4 ranges covered.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Castillo, What am I going to do with 'ya??? I need to start training more indepth with my Ju-Jitsu friend too. I need to change my wrestling (past) to submission future. Then I will be ready to fight. All 4 ranges covered.

Oh oh, I better start hitting the weight room, you're getting out of control!:eek:
Yeah!!:p The young one has a lot of heart and discipline. From TKD to the Kenpo, collegiate wrestling to Ju-Jitsu, Full contact kickboxing doesn't matter bring 'em on. Except for now I have a wife and kids and can't practice all that anymore. BUT that's why I have the goldendragon.:eek:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Yeah!!:p The young one has a lot of heart and discipline. From TKD to the Kenpo, collegiate wrestling to Ju-Jitsu, Full contact kickboxing doesn't matter bring 'em on. Except for now I have a wife and kids and can't practice all that anymore. BUT that's why I have the goldendragon.:eek:

Arizona's a looooooooooong way off!

I'm watching......................................;)

Stay warm, eat your vitimans, I'm heading north!:eek:
I'll be there soon enough!! I need to hit Seig's place in a couple of months. The training will then begin.:p
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I'll be there soon enough!! I need to hit Seig's place in a couple of months. The training will then begin.:p

Remember young one, Join me, and I will complete your trainning!

Together, we can rule the Universe, The Goldendragon has forseen this!

It's your destiny!:jediduel:
I don't think the Goldendragon will be happy to see that. As you know he is much bigger than I and hits a lot harder than me as well.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I don't think the Goldendragon will be happy to see that. As you know he is much bigger than I and hits a lot harder than me as well.

So was the "Death Star!";)
Originally posted by RCastillo
So was the "Death Star!";)

HOW is it................. that you found out my secret nickname?


your powers must be getting stronger...... who have you been talking with latelly?
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
HOW is it................. that you found out my secret nickname?


your powers must be getting stronger...... who have you been talking with latelly?

With a comeback like that, I BOW TO YOU, SIR!:)

And, I withdraw, you're too much for me!:eek:
I see the Goldendragon had arrived!:eek:

Bumber to be you at the moment. :D

:rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I see the Goldendragon had arrived!:eek:

Bumber to be you at the moment. :D

:rofl: :rofl:

Quote the Terminator, "I'll be back.":cool: