Curious: What's your goal with MA?



I am just starting FMA this week, and my long term goal is to be able to win a fight in a defense situation nearly 100% of the time against someone with minor (1 year or less) training, and to be able to have a chance against another serious MA practioner.

That's at least my self defense goal (long term mind you)

I am not right now concerned with this or that belt.

I am curious what other' goals are: do you have a belt in mind? a scenario?

or are yuo just trying to get better, learn more, with no clear objective in sight?
I plan on having fun and enjoying myself. That's it. I'm living the dream baby!
Originally posted by GouRonin

I plan on having fun and enjoying myself. That's it. I'm living the dream baby!

Hey GouRonin. I like your reply. As for me I fell in love with my art when my teacher showed it to me for the first time. (We were friends first) I love everything about it. ( except getting clocked by the stick of course, but it's worth it.) I love the movement, the history behind it. the concepts, the styles. The self defense aspect is important too, but not my primary reason for learning. For me it's something I hope to keep learning about for the rest of my life. That's my goal. Thanks Russ
The first time I started martial arts I was ten year old, and
my uncle ask me if I will fight this other kid my age in his
childen Martial art class. I really like to fight so I said "ok", and
when the day came everyone was sparing. I came to a martial
art class for the first time. The biggest kid in the class a fat kid,
and so my uncle told the sensei I wonted to fight. So he agreed
to let me fight the biggest kid, and so when it was my turn to
fight. I did not know MA yet but I know street fighting,so I start
off and rush the fat kid. but he just blocked my punches, so it
just came natural to me to kick and I did, but he lowered his block
and I wen't back high an cought him with a punch. my second
punch I did basically the same thing be differant timeing, But for
my last a point he rushed me and I used a front snap kick. After
that fight I just kept on going.

My Goal in MA is to invent my on style.

Thank You

Originally posted by GouRonin

I plan on having fun and enjoying myself. That's it.

As usual, I am in full agreement with my colleague GouRonin on this one. I just enjoy it. It's no longer princiaplly about self-defense for me.
started MA cause my freind wanted me to join him, stayed in MA because it was fun.

Actualy the year I started practicing JKD my soccer team broke up so I desperatly needed a new hobby.. it has almost compinsated but not quite..
To be better than I was the day before.

Originally posted by SolidTiger
My Goal in MA is to invent my on style.

While I wish you the best of luck I have to ask you a question. Please don't take offense at this but I have been reading your posts and such for the last little while and I was wondering if you're retarded?
My Goal is to be like Mike, ..., Now I just need to remember which mike?

Seriously, my goal when I started was techniques for control. Today the goal is enjoyment. With out it I would be very unhappy. It has become a part of me.

Have fun

i have been in Shaolin-based kempo for a year now.

My goal is to laugh in each class, learn something new, review something basic, and make sure others enjoy being around me.

With so much joy, how can you NOT hit hard??

With crazy delight, Cathy
Originally posted by GouRonin

While I wish you the best of luck I have to ask you a question. Please don't take offense at this but I have been reading your posts and such for the last little while and I was wondering if you're retarded?

Why would you wonder that?

Thank you solidTiger
my goal is self defense...

however, fitness is also way up there...

I figure I can spend an hour in the dojo getting my exercise, or an hour on a treadmill...if I have to work out, I might as well learn something while I'm doing it.
Originally posted by GouRonin

I hope my royalty cheque is in the mail!

somehow I doubt it.....

however, maybe someone will be kind enough to mail you a reality check instead.


just kidding, of course.


I intend to continue to train in kenpo until I reach Black Belt, no matter how long it takes. To show those people who doubt me and lack any kind of support or respect to see me reach my goal.

My close friends, that I trust, are going to help me. One day I will have a Black Belt and be proud. :D
