Cool Ninjitsu web site


Gary Crawford

Would you believe there is actually a Bujinkan dojo here in the sticks of East Tennessee? I was told about it by a freind.I all places,Blounteville,Tn.Not even on most maps!


3rd Black Belt
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Little Tokyo
its awesome when someone looks at your school's/dojo's site and appreciates it for what it is. "neat vids". just to make it clear those are taken mostly for viewing pleasure. more of etertainment than anything else. we have taken some heat for it, but when you accept it as "neat vids" then you can accept it for what it is. (did that make sense?) anyway thanks.


3rd Black Belt
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Barberton, Ohio, USA
Enson said:
its awesome when someone looks at your school's/dojo's site and appreciates it for what it is. "neat vids". just to make it clear those are taken mostly for viewing pleasure. more of etertainment than anything else. we have taken some heat for it, but when you accept it as "neat vids" then you can accept it for what it is. (did that make sense?) anyway thanks.
Yes it makes perfect sense. I realize that running a martial arts buisness requires some advertising, and you have to focus that on the general public, so it must look, whats the word? COOL, to draw people in. But on the flip side other martial artsist will critisize the coolness by trying to say thats all flashy, I cant belive you teach that flashy crap that does not work, and then pull the McDojo card on you.
You would think other martial artists would realize that you must advertise, and making it flasy brings peoples interest to martial arts. Just because people have a flashy demo, where some of the techniques are not street effective does not give someone the right to judge. They are just trying to get people involved in the arts. I can understand why you just posted what you did, seems you have ran into some chumps quite a bit who want to judge without looking at the big picture, but dont worry, Im not one of them.


DeLamar.J said:
Yes it makes perfect sense. I realize that running a martial arts buisness requires some advertising, and you have to focus that on the general public, so it must look, whats the word? COOL, to draw people in. But on the flip side other martial artsist will critisize the coolness by trying to say thats all flashy, I cant belive you teach that flashy crap that does not work, and then pull the McDojo card on you.
You would think other martial artists would realize that you must advertise, and making it flasy brings peoples interest to martial arts. Just because people have a flashy demo, where some of the techniques are not street effective does not give someone the right to judge. They are just trying to get people involved in the arts. I can understand why you just posted what you did, seems you have ran into some chumps quite a bit who want to judge without looking at the big picture, but dont worry, Im not one of them.
yeah i hear what your saying..but on the other hand your going to get a dojo full of simple people impressed by flashy stuff:D
why do you feel this art needs to impress and advertise?i have to look hard to find the x-kans trying so hard..sorry i didnt mean to have a dig, each to their own and all


3rd Black Belt
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Barberton, Ohio, USA
julian said:
yeah i hear what your saying..but on the other hand your going to get a dojo full of simple people impressed by flashy stuff:D
why do you feel this art needs to impress and advertise?i have to look hard to find the x-kans trying so hard..sorry i didnt mean to have a dig, each to their own and all
Because advertising is the key to a good buisness, and the people who were drawn in by the flashy stuff will become good martial artists if they are really into it. And everyone is a newbie at one time or another, and all newbies are impressed by the flash. Thats what gets most people into it. There is nothing wrong with a little flash, martial arts does involve some showman ship, alot of people forget that. Everything does not have to be combat effective, sometimes things are done just for shts and giggles, and for entertainment purposes. It does not always mean the person doing it does not know effective from non effective.
At times I will do the spinning jumping flashy kicks just for fun, or just to see how high I can get my foot up there. Im sure if some people seen me doing that I would instantly be labled as a all flash trash martial artist. Its just like the flor exercise in the olympics, it looks cool, and its fun to do. There is nothing wrong with having fun, but trying to pass that type of stuff off as effective, is wrong. Because newbies dont really know effective from non effective, they can learn that after they get lured in by the flashy advertising.


3rd Black Belt
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Little Tokyo
DeLamar.J said:
Because advertising is the key to a good buisness, and the people who were drawn in by the flashy stuff will become good martial artists if they are really into it. And everyone is a newbie at one time or another, and all newbies are impressed by the flash. Thats what gets most people into it. There is nothing wrong with a little flash, martial arts does involve some showman ship, alot of people forget that. Everything does not have to be combat effective, sometimes things are done just for shts and giggles, and for entertainment purposes. It does not always mean the person doing it does not know effective from non effective.
i completely agree. why not market your talent? sure you'll get some dimwits in your group but they usually get discouraged when they find out that they will not learn how to do a back flip the first day. if you don't market you will not get any new students and then you are not filling the funnel. if the funnel drains and nothing else goes in you don't eat.
also remember to have yin you must have yang. learn it all that way you become a well rounded martial artist. naturally you explain what will work in combat and what won't, but nothing wrong in learining the "flashy" to have fun with the arts!


Purple Belt
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Central CA.
I think part of the reason why anyone gets into MA is for fun. Whether we're referring to effective techniques or not, it is still for the enjoyment of the art. Obviously as one continues to learn and advance, they become aware that the "flash" is simply that. Nothing wrong with it. It isn't before long that one begins to understand that there is much more to MA than ninjas flying through the air from tree to tree...


There's more to being a Ninja than flying from trees? Well man, i'm in the wrong art then! :)


LOL ninja with a shotgun
Myguess is they have very little if no ninja training :p

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