Contact improvisation

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
We had a girl come in tonight to do jits. And having a conversation with her. She was recommended to do jits from her contact improvisation class.

Which is this pretty much.

Which looks kind of cool.
Oh that's awesome... love this sort of creative improv stuff. Would be really helpful for body awareness, sensitivity, leverage etc
They should all agree to come to class without deodorant, the do workout first where they are nice and sweaty and ripe. Then they should do the improv.
They should all agree to come to class without deodorant, the do workout first where they are nice and sweaty and ripe. Then they should do the improv.

So you haven't done jujitsu?
So you haven't done jujitsu?
Not yet. But I've done wrestling a little and grappling exercises and when someone stinks, that smooth movement in that video takes on a different energy lol.

Nothing worse than wrestling with someone who stinks really bad. We had a guy in Kung Fu class who used to stink really bad and it was the worst. It made you work harder to be done sooner. lol Then you have to deal with the headache that the body order causes lol. Nice guy but some days that stench was really difficult to deal with.

I'll put it this way. Some people have such a heavy smell that you can almost track them down like a dog and use your nose to find them.
We're there many combat sportsmen who do it?
Not at the classes I attended. It was all dancers other than myself. However I wouldn’t be surprised if there were martial artists in the larger contact improv community. Apparently the originator had an Aikido background in addition to being a dancer.
Not at the classes I attended. It was all dancers other than myself. However I wouldn’t be surprised if there were martial artists in the larger contact improv community. Apparently the originator had an Aikido background in addition to being a dancer.

It would be so good for Aikido.