I only had the one knee surgery, about 4 years ago, but you know what they say about that-it'll be time for the next one sometime in the next six years or so, I think, no matter how I try to avoid it.
That said, my daily routine hasn't changed all that much: I can still lift heavy enough on those days that sometimes people stop to watch,but "those days" are fewer, now...... and I still get my miles in on running days-though I try to limit my running to strictly maintenance now, and even do a lot of my cardio on the elliptical, to save my knees
My son, who's 26, still laughs at friends who try to keep up with my calisthenics routine or intermediate class warm up for the first time...:lol:
But I really am starting to feel it. Can't kick as high as I used to, or as fast-though that may just be my perception. Can't take as many falls as I used to, and that's a big one: I actually have to guage where I am with that from day to day, tell myself how many falls I'm going to take, and keep count!
Doesn't feel like I bounce up as quickly anymore, either....:lol
Hell, I just don't get up as quickly, period.)
Can't sit in seiza for as long as I used to....:lol:
Can't swim underwater as far as I used to-this was the first indicator that I was getting there....:lol:
Tameshiwari? Yeah, from time to time, and I can break just as much as I ever have, but my hands are starting to not like it very much......
When I do get sore or injured, or have a little joint pain, it takes longer to recover.
Speaking of falls, forget about kote-gaeshi on the right wrist: one or two of those and that wrist is done for the day! :lfao:
The only recommendations I can make are to soften things up: I took up aikido and tai chi six years ago, in anticipation of getting older-I've also been doing yoga for a while, and increased that part of my practice. And keep with weight bearing/resistance exercises-studies have shown that it's a big help for an aging body, at just about any age.
When it comes to sparring with the younger guys, well, this is the part where your years of experience are supposed to count, so hold no quarter! :lfao: