Bill Clinton helped Dubai on ports deal

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-G Ketchmark / shesulsa
-MT Senior Moderator-
michaeledward said:
Also, you post is clearly linked as a 'Editorial' ... Editorials are not news, they are for educating the public.

How does that change the fact that Admiral Gilmour testified in congress that their concerns had been assured? A newspaper like that does give the facts even in an editorial instead of only reporting the earlier concerns like your site.
Don Roley said:
How does that change the fact that Admiral Gilmour testified in congress that their concerns had been assured? A newspaper like that does give the facts even in an editorial instead of only reporting the earlier concerns like your site.

Because Admiral Gilmore would not answer questions about how the concerns were addressed in the open meeting, it is unclear how the American public should feel assured mearly because he testified.

However, he did meet in private with the Senators, where we can assume he expanded on his assertion. And the Senators are still working to have the deal reviewed and prohibited. It would appear that whatever assurances Mr. Gilmore offered, they were insufficient.

Dubai deal had Coast Guard at sea - pol


WASHINGTON - The Coast Guard feared it didn't have enough intel to decide whether Dubai's purchase of U.S. port operations posed a terrorist threat to the nation, a Republican senator revealed yesterday.
"There are many intelligence gaps, concerning the potential for DPW [Dubai Ports World] or P&O [Peninsular and Oriental] assets to support terrorist operations, that precludes an overall threat assessment," says a Coast Guard memo released by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine).

Collins revealed the contents of the declassified memo at a Senate homeland security hearing as the White House hinted it could kill any legislation aimed at stopping Dubai Ports World from buying facilities now run by England's P&O ports.

The Coast Guard last night said the document Collins cited was written early in its initial review and does not reflect the final, classified analysis.

"This transaction, when taking into account strong security assurances by DP World, does not compromise U.S. security," a Coast Guard spokesman, Commander Jeff Carter, said in a statement.

After Collins made her disclosure yesterday, the Coast Guard gave her and other senators a briefing behind closed doors on its classified report. But when Collins emerged, she wasn't satisfied by what she heard.

"I am more convinced than ever that the process was truly flawed," said Collins.

Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.), her counterpart on the House Homeland Security Committee, scoffed at the White House's new probe of the port deal. "They seem to be interpreting 'investigation' as an opportunity to educate us," he said. "It's a very condescending position."

The latest developments came as the White House showed signs of getting on top of the furor over the deal, with DP World's agreement over the weekend to a retroactive 45-day investigation of its purchase.

That news prompted Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) to soften his stance on the deal after first threatening to deep-six it with legislation. The White House believes that threat is all but dead.

"Sen. Frist has said that he will ask the Senate to hold off on legislation," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan.

A source confirmed the administration believes Frist will stop any bills from coming to a vote, such as a bipartisan measure introduced yesterday by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).
michaeledward said:
Because Admiral Gilmore would not answer questions about how the concerns were addressed in the open meeting, it is unclear how the American public should feel assured mearly because he testified.

However, he did meet in private with the Senators, where we can assume he expanded on his assertion. And the Senators are still working to have the deal reviewed and prohibited. It would appear that whatever assurances Mr. Gilmore offered, they were insufficient.

Let me see, in post #36 you said that the Coast Guard would not say that this deal was not a threat to national security.

In post #39, I showed that they did say that their concerns were assured.

And now in post #43 you are saying that we really should not listen to what these people say in public anyways.

So what was the point of #36?

We do not know what Gilmore said in private. Your speculation has no merit. Politicians in an election year think about getting re-elected more than doing the right thing.
Don Roley said:
Let me see, in post #36 you said that the Coast Guard would not say that this deal was not a threat to national security.

In post #39, I showed that they did say that their concerns were assured.

And now in post #43 you are saying that we really should not listen to what these people say in public anyways.

So what was the point of #36?

We do not know what Gilmore said in private. Your speculation has no merit. Politicians in an election year think about getting re-elected more than doing the right thing.

Yeah ... well on post 21 I showed that you were wrong on post 19 .. so what was your point? And now its 'Politicians in an election year' ... where as in post 4 you said Bill Clinton .... and in post 6 you said Elizabeth Dole wasn't running for office ....

Can we please get this thread locked !! ! ! ! ! !
Yeah ... well on post 21 I showed that you were wrong on post 19 .. so what was your point? And now its 'Politicians in an election year' ... where as in post 4 you said Bill Clinton .... and in post 6 you said Elizabeth Dole wasn't running for office ....

Can you answer the question about post #36? Why did you raise the issue if we are not supposed to believe the public statements by the Coast Guard?

In post #19 I pointed out that the only person who had gotten money in his pocket was Clinton. I do not think that Bush can use any of the cash that is donated to his library. The only person who has cash he can use is Clinton.

But what does post 19 have to do with the question about #36?

And I happen to think that Bill Clinton is still looking out for the interests of people named Clinton more than the US. I don't trust him and I don't put much weight to the statements of people running for an election in a few months. It is not a one- or- the- other deal.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Senior Moderator
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