Best gift for a loved one


Green Belt
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
I for one am loving this guys take on presents for your other half:

WARNING: some strong language ahead

IronChef Foicite: well, there's a lot of reasons
IronChef Foicite: i mean, roses only last like a couple weeks
IronChef Foicite: and that's if you leave them in water
IronChef Foicite: and they really only exist to be pretty
IronChef Foicite: so that's like saying
IronChef Foicite: "my love for you is transitory and based solely on your appearance"
IronChef Foicite: but a potato!
IronChef Foicite: potatos last for ****ing ever, man
IronChef Foicite: in fact, not only will they not rot, they actually grow **** even if you just leave them in the sack
IronChef Foicite: that part alone makes it a good symbol
IronChef Foicite: but there's more!
IronChef Foicite: there are so many ways to enjoy a potato! you can even make a battery with it!
IronChef Foicite: and that's like saying "i have many ways in which I show my love for you"
IronChef Foicite: and potatos may be ugly, but they're still awesome
IronChef Foicite: so that's like saying "it doesn't matter at all what you look like, I'll still love you"
I like that. Just one problem though- potatoes do get rotten. I should know- I've had experience with them. Experiences that makes a person not want to see another one for nearly a year (long story, and said in another post). Then again, I have a hypersensitive nose that is directly linked to my stomach's up-chuck reflex. i heart my hashbrowns...I agree with this guy...potatoes over flowers...there should be a revolution!

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