A little google search pulled up the info below, no website, and I'm not sure if it is current.
[FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]SACRAMENTO[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]Name[/FONT]
Robert Nakashima [FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]School[/FONT]
Inner Circle Tai Chi [FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]Address[/FONT]
Various locations throughout area [FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]Phone[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Verdana, serif]
916 719 9464[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]Email[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]innercircletaichi@hotmail.com (infrequently answered) [/FONT][FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]Lineage[/FONT]
Various including the Kuan Ping Tai Chi branch [FONT=Palatino, AGaramond, Arial]Comments[/FONT]
A very good teacher and a fine group of peope to work with. Instruction includes Kuan Ping Tai Chi, Xing Yi, Yi Quan and Bagua Zhang. This is an associate school and teaches the Bagua from the Academy's tradition. Call for times and locations...
I've seen reference on-line to Henry Look and a school possibly calle Tri Internal Martial Arts, but I can't find any current contact info.
I found a Taiji/Xingyi school, you might want to contact them, and if you're really only interested in Bagua, they may be able to point you in the right direction.
Also, it looks like you have plenty of Yang and Chen Taiji in Sacramento, I would recommend maybe contacting a couple more of them and inquiring about who might teach Bagua in the area.